Advice on getting LS Trout, Arenado, Verlander etc
@SaveFarris said in Advice on getting LS Trout, Arenado, Verlander etc:
I averaged over 127K a day flipping in the past month.
The only thing limiting you is you.
Can I hire you?!?!
@jonblaze2424 said in Advice on getting LS Trout, Arenado, Verlander etc:
The only grind that i am sticking with this year is to get Mantle....and the only teams I have left to complete are the Astros, Angels, Rockies, Nationals, Mets and Yanks.
Obviously reason being is the top card on each squad being well over $100k. Does anyone have any advice on how to obtain these guys? Do i just have to patiently flip? Buy packs and get lucky? Play conquest? I just can’t see myself being able to acquire that many stubs....ever really.
Luck always helps, i pulled a few headliners and i sold them, same with a few bosses...sold them too.
@The_DoctorsWife said in Advice on getting LS Trout, Arenado, Verlander etc:
Do you think the price of those LS cards will go down eventually?
it all depends if they play well or not, like what happened with Cole, he went down almost 100k stubs...i bought him for like 60k last week.
Sell everything you don't need including equipment, sponsorships, etc. Also there are a tob of stubs and packs in the team affinity lines. Focus on completing one division at a time for completion so you can use the stubs you get from collecting those towards the next division. For your situation I'd say do rockies first, then focus mets and nats so you get nl done. Then yanks and finish with the al west
also, don't buy packs. The game gives you so many that if you open those and sell off the contents you'll have enough to buy the guys in no time
Flip, Flip, and Flip. Like others have mentioned there are some good stubs to be made right now through flipping. With what you have left if you go hardcore you can make that in a few days. If you just take it easy and do it casually I would say 2 weeks at the most. I
My issue is i have no idea how to do conquest....i may need to get into some tutorials, i just don’t have THAT much time to invest into the game
Do all the programs 1-8 and sell your reward if possible. The 5th inning bosses still go for like 180k so sell everyone until you get mantle and after that you can keep any card you desire.
@jonblaze2424 said in Advice on getting LS Trout, Arenado, Verlander etc:
My issue is i have no idea how to do conquest....i may need to get into some tutorials, i just don’t have THAT much time to invest into the game
It's so easy once you get the hang of it and you'll blow each conquest out of the water in no time once you figure it out. Watch you tube videos for tutorials; however, I never did find one that actually explains it verbatim to the process. It's simply conquering all of the teams strongholds and grabbing empty territories that surround other teams to gain a fan base. You should only have to play 3 or 4 games total while simulating the rest. If anyone has a good video, please post. I thought it was impossible, but I was able to figure it out. So, if I can do it, anyone can do it. And that is saying
If you don’t want to flip and are only concerned with finishing Live series teams, try to complete each inning within first 5 days. Sell your boss off and use the stubs to complete the LS to get mantle. If you finish the inning in the first week, The boss is usually worth 2-3x what he ends up being within 2 weeks after the next inning drops. I did this when I sold off Ellsbury and Ortiz to complete my LS.
Again, i just don’t have hours on hours on end to grind. I may put in 3-4 hours a week tops