Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant
Difficulty change sucks, but there isn't a good solution.
You are excluding a lot of people from 400+ up if you make it HoF, and excluding even more people at 700 and up. First of all, it would entirely exclude essentially anyone who doesn't have a monitor, they would have a rough time after 399 and would probably end up quitting the game.
Not to mention it would exclude roughly 85% of the population who isn't good enough to advance far once they hit HOF, the majority of users play in the all-star levels and you've locked them from advancing past 399.
Simply put, a game cannot cater to the top 5%, and that's what this proposition is.
If you'd rather just play on legend and don't care about the rewards, as your thing states, just play casual online on legend if that's all you truly care about.
300-399, rookie. so when you hit 400 it is a slap in the face.
Would make WS rewards much more expensive.
So right now it is:
0-199 Veteran (why everyone likes hitting at the beginning of the year.)
200-699 All Star
700-899 HOF
900+ LegendThat would be quite the change.
@eatyum said in Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant:
Difficulty change sucks, but there isn't a good solution.
You are excluding a lot of people from 400+ up if you make it HoF, and excluding even more people at 700 and up. First of all, it would entirely exclude essentially anyone who doesn't have a monitor, they would have a rough time after 399 and would probably end up quitting the game.
Not to mention it would exclude roughly 85% of the population who isn't good enough to advance far once they hit HOF, the majority of users play in the all-star levels and you've locked them from advancing past 399.
Simply put, a game cannot cater to the top 5%, and that's what this proposition is.
If you'd rather just play on legend and don't care about the rewards, as your thing states, just play casual online on legend if that's all you truly care about.
True I could play the casual mode but how many people actually use that mode and actually search on the legend difficulty in that mode. Id probably play 4 games a month if I'm lucky. Plus casual n ranked sliders, I imagine, are different. Just how online rated is different from ranked in DD. Its not the same online gameplay. A fix for the rewards is just to move the rewards down tiers. WS at 800 etc.
@itookurdonut said in Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant:
All Star 0-299 ,HoF 400-699, Legend 700+. I'm an average player but the game is just more enjoyable on Legend. When the season resets I'm not playing for the reward I will eventually get there and yes getting to WS early gives you crazy stubs depending on the cards they released, but I do not want to struggle on lower difficulties just to play on the difficulty I prefer. Idc if I play 100 legend games and I lose all 100 games I'd just rather play on legend. Events needs more love, in 17 each event had there own special card at 9-12 win streak/cumulative. It became lazy from 18 forward on when u only get live series cards 85-89 with a streak, where's the variety? That's just how I feel. What's ur guys input?
My suggestion for this in these forums has been to have a ranked season for every difficulty level. This way the gameplay stays consistent. You could have one for veteran, all star, hof and legend. Obviously the rewards would be tiered based on the difficulty you choose. It would eliminate the jumping back and forth between AS/HOF, etc. let the goons fight it out on the hardest difficulties and the casuals have their fun as well.
@mrwonderful95 said in Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant:
@itookurdonut said in Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant:
All Star 0-299 ,HoF 400-699, Legend 700+. I'm an average player but the game is just more enjoyable on Legend. When the season resets I'm not playing for the reward I will eventually get there and yes getting to WS early gives you crazy stubs depending on the cards they released, but I do not want to struggle on lower difficulties just to play on the difficulty I prefer. Idc if I play 100 legend games and I lose all 100 games I'd just rather play on legend. Events needs more love, in 17 each event had there own special card at 9-12 win streak/cumulative. It became lazy from 18 forward on when u only get live series cards 85-89 with a streak, where's the variety? That's just how I feel. What's ur guys input?
My suggestion for this in these forums has been to have a ranked season for every difficulty level. This way the gameplay stays consistent. You could have one for veteran, all star, hof and legend. Obviously the rewards would be tiered based on the difficulty you choose. It would eliminate the jumping back and forth between AS/HOF, etc. let the goons fight it out on the hardest difficulties and the casuals have their fun as well.
I’d love that. I would hit a solid .250 on that veteran ranked.
They need to leave br on allstar, but put the events to 6 inning quick counts hof and make ranked hof until hitting ws. But they won’t because snowflakes will cry just like they did after early release because hitting was rewarding too much
@eatyum said in Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant:
Difficulty change sucks, but there isn't a good solution.
You are excluding a lot of people from 400+ up if you make it HoF, and excluding even more people at 700 and up. First of all, it would entirely exclude essentially anyone who doesn't have a monitor, they would have a rough time after 399 and would probably end up quitting the game.
Not to mention it would exclude roughly 85% of the population who isn't good enough to advance far once they hit HOF, the majority of users play in the all-star levels and you've locked them from advancing past 399.
Simply put, a game cannot cater to the top 5%, and that's what this proposition is.
If you'd rather just play on legend and don't care about the rewards, as your thing states, just play casual online on legend if that's all you truly care about.
That would be nice, but in my experience it’s very difficult to find a game on legend in casual online. I’ve tried before and never found one
@mitchhammond24 said in Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant:
@eatyum said in Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant:
Difficulty change sucks, but there isn't a good solution.
You are excluding a lot of people from 400+ up if you make it HoF, and excluding even more people at 700 and up. First of all, it would entirely exclude essentially anyone who doesn't have a monitor, they would have a rough time after 399 and would probably end up quitting the game.
Not to mention it would exclude roughly 85% of the population who isn't good enough to advance far once they hit HOF, the majority of users play in the all-star levels and you've locked them from advancing past 399.
Simply put, a game cannot cater to the top 5%, and that's what this proposition is.
If you'd rather just play on legend and don't care about the rewards, as your thing states, just play casual online on legend if that's all you truly care about.
That would be nice, but in my experience it’s very difficult to find a game on legend in casual online. I’ve tried before and never found one
No doubt, I was just using it as an example, create a different mode from Ranked seasons that focuses on legend. All I'm saying is the game cannot be made to cater to the 5%, and that's what the guys proposal is.
@mrwonderful95 said in Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant:
@itookurdonut said in Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant:
All Star 0-299 ,HoF 400-699, Legend 700+. I'm an average player but the game is just more enjoyable on Legend. When the season resets I'm not playing for the reward I will eventually get there and yes getting to WS early gives you crazy stubs depending on the cards they released, but I do not want to struggle on lower difficulties just to play on the difficulty I prefer. Idc if I play 100 legend games and I lose all 100 games I'd just rather play on legend. Events needs more love, in 17 each event had there own special card at 9-12 win streak/cumulative. It became lazy from 18 forward on when u only get live series cards 85-89 with a streak, where's the variety? That's just how I feel. What's ur guys input?
My suggestion for this in these forums has been to have a ranked season for every difficulty level. This way the gameplay stays consistent. You could have one for veteran, all star, hof and legend. Obviously the rewards would be tiered based on the difficulty you choose. It would eliminate the jumping back and forth between AS/HOF, etc. let the goons fight it out on the hardest difficulties and the casuals have their fun as well.
Would not mind that idea at all
My belief is that ranked seasons should be no lower than HOF difficulty. It would put more focus on skill and less the arcade like silliness of the lower divisions. It would also keep those who have no business being in CS or WS out as they wouldn’t have all star level to help them get that high. Just my opinion though.
What I'm hearing is casual players wanting the same rewards and experience as players that put the time and hard work to get to. Then what's the point of playing? Taking a way the challenge to cater to casuals is usually the down fall of a game. This is the problem with this generation people want what others want with out the work and they usually complain til they get their way and rune it for the people that work hard.
@mikeymh10 said in Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant:
What I'm hearing is casual players wanting the same rewards and experience as players that put the time and hard work to get to. Then what's the point of playing? Taking a way the challenge to cater to casuals is usually the down fall of a game. This is the problem with this generation people want what others want with out the work and they usually complain til they get their way and rune it for the people that work hard.
Hard work x5 , first of all it’s a video game, hard work is when you labor in the hot sun for 8 hours and barely have time to drink water. So get over yourself realize your playing a video game when it boils down to it.
Secondly good suggestions were made, the game can be adjusted to have nothing but a wide range of improvements when it comes to ranked seasons. I agree with the suggestion for having a RS for all star - hof - legend with appropriately tiered, sellable rewards for each difficulty, there are plenty of great cards to do this, and it could be single cards even. Plenty of ways to get creative there. Each one has its own banners etc. I myself do not like jumping back and forth between hof and all star and it throws my game off and prevents me from just getting better on hof all the time, which is what I prefer to do. All star is a [censored] show for the range of player that is not bad and not elite there is a HUGE Grey area called all-star hell , or purgatory, that you get stuck in every season. The truely elite players will always rise to the top after some time but the above average , very good players can have a hard time clawing their way out of all-star hell because the ok to good players can hang with them there. I really hope they take a good hard look at how rank is structured and take into account all the feedback from the community about all star hell, and the bouncing back and forth from 550-850.
The people who want to play legend can , all the time The people who want to play hof can, etc etc. At the very least they could eliminate the great area if they don’t want to create separate difficulty ranked seasons, or uniform to just hof.
Just make is so that once you reach a threshold, me 700 you do not get any games under 700 to ensure you have made it to “DS”. Part of the reward for making the next division should be that you get to play games on that level only.
If I make DS I don’t want to still after batting all-star he’ll get another all-star game, and trying to prepare for a hof game after playing several on all-star takes time, it would be nice to know before getting into the game what difficulty the game I was about to play was on.
@eatyum said in Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant:
Difficulty change sucks, but there isn't a good solution.
You are excluding a lot of people from 400+ up if you make it HoF, and excluding even more people at 700 and up. First of all, it would entirely exclude essentially anyone who doesn't have a monitor, they would have a rough time after 399 and would probably end up quitting the game.
That’s not true at all, you don’t need a monitor to be good at this game.