Am I the only one
Your name is agent of chaos bro...Live up to it!...Don’t finish this inning, Be chaotic! Go randomly [censored] on something or someone! CHAOS!!!!
I'm only at around 110-135 stars so far. I usually take a couple weeks to get all the way to 300, and by the end of the program I land around 450-500 total.
I’m close to the henchman so whatever program total that is. I usually reach 300 by the last week of the program. I don’t feel the need to grind out all this stuff anymore I play as I go
I anted to try to get to 800 to at least get the two HRD packs; but after getting BASE round in my two HRD and one DOTP pacjs from the Shark Map; I'm not sure the grind is worth the hassle.
Add in that starting next month; I'll be pulling close to 50 hrs a week at work, I'll be lucky if I play more than a few hours a week for the rest of the year.
96 but it's been what 6 days........still have Cruz, collection, conquest and showdown why I won't touch....I try to average 100 first week and 75...each week after so that's like 250 plus content so I should barely get there likely only to sell
I'm over 450 but I just had my knee scoped and have nothing else to do but play, drink beer and ice it. The knee, not the beer... Never put ice in beer...
@taco_truck_face said in Am I the only one:
I'm only at around 110-135 stars so far. I usually take a couple weeks to get all the way to 300, and by the end of the program I land around 450-500 total.
this is me exactly lol. Im at 200 now. But Frank is my man and need him asap so im grinding hard. Did everything but the voucher cause i didnt have any of them to lock in
I'm at 200 with no voucher. I'm playing a few other games right now. Mainly because none of these guys are gonna make my lineup so im just gonna sell them when people are buying the bisses for the voucher next inning
80 but i'm away all week so i have some catching up to do on Saturday.
I do not know here I am at but I think close or over 200, I did the Shark map and already got Cruz, I am not my 3rd try of show down I will get to 300 before the weekend is over. The weekend is where I play the most. I am either burned out cause i played a ton the last two months. I have barely played this week.
I'm at 210 without the voucher. I did conquest, showdown, 10 events/rs/br wins, cruz, 5 sig players collection, and exchanges for a few stars each day. You will get to 300 in a week or 2 without the voucher. I haven't even got the Cruz homers or Sig strikeouts yet
I got to 300 Stars on Monday night which is by far the quickest I've ever done an Inning program. The fact that I'm a White Sox fan and a huge Frank Thomas guy certainly had something to do with that.
Prior to that, I think my quickest was probably 9-10 days. It usually takes me about two weeks.
I have 220, I believe. Everyone gets there at a different pace.
At 205, tried showdown, lost 15-14.....said that's enough of that. Would rather grind with the players I like and complete dailies plus I am sure there's another player program and maybe even conquest map that will give program stars