What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?
Other than cross saves for when it becomes multiplatform next year.
I think it'd be cool to have a trophyroom to see all your awards and stuff...
and Some off field events could be cool as well. -
@ImDFC said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
Not really sure how they'd fix this, but they gotta find a way to make it so that 99% of home runs aren't super obvious. It's lame when a ball that's just above "rob" range doesn't appear at all and the player controlled OF just stands there
If you hit either L1 0r L2 i believe is jump and dive
@pogibana said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@ImDFC said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
Not really sure how they'd fix this, but they gotta find a way to make it so that 99% of home runs aren't super obvious. It's lame when a ball that's just above "rob" range doesn't appear at all and the player controlled OF just stands there
If you hit either L1 0r L2 i believe is jump and dive
No, I'm talking about the indicator. It could be a pixel out of rob range and it tells the player that there's no chance of it being caught so just put the pad down
That's a great question, I would say:
- return of the ball trails from 19, so you can actually distinguish the ball from the infield dirt when you're playing 3B
- also from 2019, show a few more balls traveling down the line, even if they go foul, geez add a little suspense
- better judgment on pitcher relief so the manager doesn't freak out when you're up 2-1 and somebody gets a bloop single on you in the 7th
- allow you to contact your agent when times get really tough
- allow you the option of letting the AI manage your running when you get on-base, I find that difficult and tedious; in the alternative, eliminate the huge lag when changing directions in the baseline.
- add real game accomplishments to Events & Awards, like 4 HRs in one game, Perfect Games and No-Hitters
- cut down on the team personnel turnover that seems to get worse the longer you go into the future, where it seems from one year to the next only one or two daily starters remain
- make available more statistics for your past RTTS seasons - for example, you should be able to access league category leaders and award winners, as well as the World Series results and your team's record, back to 2021
- make it so that the other teams' pitchers don't hit 30 points higher than the other hitters against me
- allow more scoring when the human player gets on base, the AI seems to prefer strikeouts, popups, DPs and an occasional walk once you get on base
- get those guys who waggle their bats out of my pitching meter area!
- leave the hitting info up longer once you leave the box
How about fix basic things. The fielding for example. can't field little dribbler right to him but the pitchers can field everything. How about base runners controlled by cpu. Ball clearly in the gap still stands there until it falls. Then my guy can only get a single. Smarter GM's! Team needs pitching I know trade for my third 2nd baseman. WTH! There are many and I mean many things that could be added or improved on these are just a few that tick me off when playing.
@RNMorton said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
That's a great question, I would say:
- return of the ball trails from 19, so you can actually distinguish the ball from the infield dirt when you're playing 3B
- also from 2019, show a few more balls traveling down the line, even if they go foul, geez add a little suspense
- better judgment on pitcher relief so the manager doesn't freak out when you're up 2-1 and somebody gets a bloop single on you in the 7th
- allow you to contact your agent when times get really tough
- allow you the option of letting the AI manage your running when you get on-base, I find that difficult and tedious; in the alternative, eliminate the huge lag when changing directions in the baseline.
- add real game accomplishments to Events & Awards, like 4 HRs in one game, Perfect Games and No-Hitters
I agree with most of these things.
It can be hard to see the ball sometimes.Baserunning can make you go what? sometimes.
Needs to be an option for the reverse side. To Turn off all the assists on it too. I don't have a problem with it, but My Roomate does some how. It always makes him advance on fly balls, and he cant make it back in time and other stuff.Number 4 would be nice to. A new tab for Agent could be helpful. that way you could talk to him when ever you wanted. (Request Trade/Release/ Position Change Etc)
oh and Add Cycles, Allstar game MVP, Derby Champ etc. to this list as well
Oh and Going back to my Previous post.
I don't know how they could implement this
but Some way to Challenge calls the ump makes would be cool.Or some other ways you could get ejected if you have it on.
(hear me out. I know you're like why would I want this? isn't the point of RTTS to be like an rpg? Things like Charging the mound after being beaned. and A bench clearing fiasco would ensue. Stuff like this could be pretty cool. Or something like The Ump Blew a Call that resulted in You being struck out/ giving a walk. in a crucial situation.
I know most these probably wouldn't happen but its fun to imagine.a multiplayer RTTS mode could be fun too.
think of an at least 18 player lobby where everyone can use their created player at their position. Sounds really fun. -
They said no to charging the mound and fights. MLB said it would look bad. I don't want online rtts until they fix basic problems.
Based on your performance in the player showcase, have that actually affect what round you're drafted in. Don't have it pre-set. Seems like you can load your RTTS 10x and the same team will keep drafting you. As a SP, your player should automatically respond to balls hit behind him and at least turn around to watch the play instead of just staring at the catcher.
Online RTTS is would be sweet. Even if it was only like a 3v3 blitzball type thing. 9v9 would obviously be tough to pull off.
Spring Training should be more engaging in RTTS and Franchise.
Hopefully the way the player class/object is coded is overhauled so that two-way players are possible in RTTS.
Ah that's a shame on the Fights.
NHL has them lol.
(But that's besides the point. I just thought that'd sound cool, In Idea At least.)Being able to interact with fans would be really cool, if they could work it out.
Like an example could be You're on the corners (1B 3B etc) and your going near the stands, and maybe catch a foul ball. Then you could give it to them or something. -
I would like to see the problems that have existed in this game for years finally be corrected als would like to see the stuff that has been added to RTTS be finished instead of half baked BS. Lat thing is lets get back to the old point system where you can have the player you want not be limited by their ideas. That means also stopp with this change of position, if I create a SS I don't want to play LF
@pogibana said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
I would like to see the problems that have existed in this game for years finally be corrected als would like to see the stuff that has been added to RTTS be finished instead of half baked BS. Lat thing is lets get back to the old point system where you can have the player you want not be limited by their ideas. That means also stopp with this change of position, if I create a SS I don't want to play LF
I'm gonna be honest here. I kinda like the current progression.
Maybe they could have both.
You could call it the "Advanced/Hardcore" version that has the points.
and the Current. "Normal/Casual" Mode which is the merit based progression.This way They could try to make everyone happy here.
@FarikoSilver said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@pogibana said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
I would like to see the problems that have existed in this game for years finally be corrected als would like to see the stuff that has been added to RTTS be finished instead of half baked BS. Lat thing is lets get back to the old point system where you can have the player you want not be limited by their ideas. That means also stopp with this change of position, if I create a SS I don't want to play LF
I'm gonna be honest here. I kinda like the current progression.
Maybe they could have both.
You could call it the "Advanced/Hardcore" version that has the points.
and the Current. "Normal/Casual" Mode which is the merit based progression.This way They could try to make everyone happy here.
I’ve been advocating for this same idea for a year. Back in March I even wrote a piece about it suggesting how it could be designed in a way to minimise the dev time. I put it forward to the devs via their feedback page, I hope they took the time to read it.
@Red_Ted_is_back said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@FarikoSilver said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@pogibana said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
I would like to see the problems that have existed in this game for years finally be corrected als would like to see the stuff that has been added to RTTS be finished instead of half baked BS. Lat thing is lets get back to the old point system where you can have the player you want not be limited by their ideas. That means also stopp with this change of position, if I create a SS I don't want to play LF
I'm gonna be honest here. I kinda like the current progression.
Maybe they could have both.
You could call it the "Advanced/Hardcore" version that has the points.
and the Current. "Normal/Casual" Mode which is the merit based progression.This way They could try to make everyone happy here.
I’ve been advocating for this same idea for a year. Back in March I even wrote a piece about it suggesting how it could be designed in a way to minimise the dev time. I put it forward to the devs via their feedback page, I hope they took the time to read it.
Alright I'll take a look at the blog.
Thank you.
The other thing I'm really hoping they have for the show 21 Is Cross Saves.
Since it's supposed to Go Multi Platform
"As Early as 21"I would really love to try this on the other Console(s)
And I've seen other games use this (I.e. Cod. Blech)
It'd Really be a great selling point as well.
(Well we all know you can carry your RTTS Player across years. Which I really appreciate, and something they have over the other sports games.)Because I really Don't want to have to buy a PS5 just for the game like I did with the 4.
MLB The Show 21 Set to Expand Beyond PlayStation as Soon as 2021 -
I have redone my suggestions posted above in light of recent developments.
- If you're doing well with your current team then they shouldn't be arbitrarily trading you. That's the whole point of letting you pick your team. For the moment those victimized by this can push the trade frequency slider to the left and save your team frequently in Data Utilities.
- Return of the ball trails from 19, so you can actually distinguish the ball from the infield dirt when you're playing 3B.
- Similarly, tone down the light backdrop in some parks so you can see the pitches coming in during the day and early evening. It's like trying to bat with a spotlight in your face.
- Allow you to contact your agent when things get really crazy.
- Allow you the option of letting the AI manage your running when you get on base. Base running can be sometimes difficult and usually tedious, particularly with a bad hitting team. Don't turn down (or turn off) the team hitting when the human player gets on base.
- Add real accomplishments to Events & Awards, like 4 HRs in one game, Perfect Games and No-Hitters
- Get those guys who waggle their bats out of my pitching meter area!
- Leave the hitting info up longer once you leave the box, by the time you can look it's gone.
- I don't need to see the pitcher try to pick off the runner on first four consecutive times. Save the pick-offs for when the runner gets caught or there's a throwing error.
- Give me something for hitting between Veteran (too easy) and All-Star (too hard).
- A batting clutch failure should be -1, not -2. Dude, doing the job 1/3 of the time is way above par. It's why batting clutch doesn't rise as your career progresses, unlike other ratings. Pitching clutch works correctly.
- I'm tired of drilling an obvious double down the line, no threat of it being caught, and sliding into the feet of my teammate at second base. The base running has to be more aggressive then it is, no excuse for a runner to be there.