So the Babe Ruth grind is basically Conquest Extreme without the tiles, extra games, and no option to work to play at lower difficulties
Yeah... it's easy and he's FREE
It’s signature teams from last year. That’s it
Whatever it is, you get Babe, Hoffman, and Seaver for just some time spent grinding.
This is a win. Plain and simple. They did great here.
I was worried I wasn’t going to have enough for the Babe this year, then this happened.
SDS does a good job with content. I’m an online player, but I dig they still do stuff for the offline crowd. That’s why I don’t complain about this. This is cool man. Babe ****ing Ruth for free.
No, CQE forced you to play on Legend multiple times.
Free Cards for playing the computer and you get to see all the legends and prospects in other lineups...I was hoping for something like this...
Great offline content!!!! Great job SDS -
@thelowrie5 said in So the Babe Ruth grind is basically Conquest Extreme without the tiles, extra games, and no option to work to play at lower difficulties:
Free Cards for playing the computer and you get to see all the legends and prospects in other lineups...I was hoping for something like this...
Great offline content!!!! Great job SDSYes, Yes, Yes, I completely agree! I have been asking for something like this forever! I am purely offline and its great to be able to do more with my DD team than just Conquest or VS CPU.
Thank you SDS!
How long is it taking you guys. Plan on starting thia program this afternoon.
Isn’t it crazy how these companies brainwashed us into THANKING them for giving us a free card that holds zero value in the real world. Every card should be free since we’ve already payed $60 for the game. I agree with grinding for the cards but at the same time I think they shouldn’t cost an extra dime other than the initial $60 we’ve spent for the game. Sorry for the rant but I don’t like when we thank these greedy companies for giving us a free virtual card lol think about how silly that sounds when you say it out loud.
@BalsamicArrow88 said in So the Babe Ruth grind is basically Conquest Extreme without the tiles, extra games, and no option to work to play at lower difficulties:
Isn’t it crazy how these companies brainwashed us into THANKING them for giving us a free card that holds zero value in the real world. Every card should be free since we’ve already payed $60 for the game. I agree with grinding for the cards but at the same time I think they shouldn’t cost an extra dime other than the initial $60 we’ve spent for the game. Sorry for the rant but I don’t like when we thank these greedy companies for giving us a free virtual card lol think about how silly that sounds when you say it out loud.
If you want the product that you paid for at $60 then don't ever ask for any content updates. when we used to buy games on Nintendo and Sega Genesis what you picked up at toys r us is what you played with until you were done playing. There were not weekly updates and content drops and bug fixes and whatever else. If you want these companies to keep putting out content in patches year round then they are a company and need to get paid. If you do not support them that is your choice but don't tell other people how to spend their money. It's the Best of both worlds. People that can play 10 hours a day and make World Series and do well in events in better Royal don't have to spend an extra dime. Other people that have families and full-time jobs if they want to spend 50 bucks on stubs when they're half off then more power to him. Why should they have a subpar team because they can only play 4 hours a week? You got to remember not everybody sits around playing this like it's a full-time job. This babe Ruth grind might take some people a month.
My only wish is that they let us get innings for team affinity. I've been grinding like crazy and still have only 2 teams over 50%
@BalsamicArrow88 said in So the Babe Ruth grind is basically Conquest Extreme without the tiles, extra games, and no option to work to play at lower difficulties:
Isn’t it crazy how these companies brainwashed us into THANKING them for giving us a free card that holds zero value in the real world. Every card should be free since we’ve already payed $60 for the game. I agree with grinding for the cards but at the same time I think they shouldn’t cost an extra dime other than the initial $60 we’ve spent for the game. Sorry for the rant but I don’t like when we thank these greedy companies for giving us a free virtual card lol think about how silly that sounds when you say it out loud.
My team is sitting at an overall 97 without having spent a dollar. And have having skipped from inning 1 to 5 because I was sick. True, I may know how to play the market a bit but I haven't even spent that much time doing that.
@BalsamicArrow88 said in So the Babe Ruth grind is basically Conquest Extreme without the tiles, extra games, and no option to work to play at lower difficulties:
Isn’t it crazy how these companies brainwashed us into THANKING them for giving us a free card that holds zero value in the real world. Every card should be free since we’ve already payed $60 for the game. I agree with grinding for the cards but at the same time I think they shouldn’t cost an extra dime other than the initial $60 we’ve spent for the game. Sorry for the rant but I don’t like when we thank these greedy companies for giving us a free virtual card lol think about how silly that sounds when you say it out loud.
with all the ways they gave people to get free packs and stubs you dont need to put any money into the game after buying it in order to get anything. It makes it easier but it is not necessary. As someone else stated be happy with the constant content and updates. Back in the day you would pay $40-$50 for a game you could beat in 10 hours or less and nothing would ever be added or updated.
@DarthKDog09 i think you’re missing the point. If you can’t grind then that’s ok. It’s only a video game lol. The point is we shouldn’t THANK them for giving us a free card. So let’s talk about the “patches”, dude have you been playing? From what I gathered SDS has ruined the game from their patches. I heard at release the game was the best it’s ever been, so does the patches really fix the bugs or make them worse?
It's a grind for those cards... but if you have plenty of time and enjoy the games against CPU the rewards are nice. I only get an hour or two at best each night freetime, so it would take me a month to complete it and I get bored fast playing the CPU. Some people time is far more valuable than money and I would rather spend $100 over 8 hours of grinding any day. If I had 8 hours a day free time then 8 would probably grind it slowly and get it done.... I want to play online with the little time I have. It is easy to say that the Ruth moments are worth it or the Mantle set is worth it when you have all the time in the world to grind.