Twitch Drop Packs
What types of cards have you pulled from Twitch Drop packs? I just started watching the live streams, and am curious on what the rewards would be.
It's about standard luck, definitely worth it to get though because you'll pack a couple diamonds a year
Most of us will pull mostly common FAs and bronze RP, but every now and then you’ll get that sweet diamond. I actually pulled my first diamond via a twitch pack. Wasn’t til July or August iirc, but was still a nice 17k at the time.
If you have the chance, definitely watch, or at least have it running while you do other things. Especially early in the year, these packs will be very valuable
Ive been in pretty much every stream since they have done them and best Ive gotten is a gold
I was linked up for Twitch packs for all of 2019, and got nothing but a big ol’ pile of trash the whole year. We may have had guaranteed diamond packs or something at some point, but I never got anything higher than a bronze or silver in a regular Twitch pack.
@PennStateFencer said in Twitch Drop Packs:
I was linked up for Twitch packs for all of 2019, and got nothing but a big ol’ pile of trash the whole year. We may have had guaranteed diamond packs or something at some point, but I never got anything higher than a bronze or silver in a regular Twitch pack.
I watched every stream as well, and managed to get two diamonds from the packs. One was breakout McCann, the other was just an 85 LS I think. So it’s definitely worth it, being free and all.