Any Jimmy Rollins reviews?
Hey fellas,
Just curious how everyone has done with him before giving him a shot. I have Ernie at ss currently. I was thinking of putting him at 3b and potentially getting jimmy.
Thanks again!
Puts ‘em in the gaps. I would imagine he would give you much better range at short. He’s played great D for me... but I’ve only used him in the event.
Wish I was in your shoes. I’d like to have that Ernie lol
@mrcityofwin said in Any Jimmy Rollins reviews?:
Hey fellas,
Just curious how everyone has done with him before giving him a shot. I have Ernie at ss currently. I was thinking of putting him at 3b and potentially getting jimmy.
Thanks again!
Rollins defense alone is worth it. He gets these crazy good animations. I’ve always been a fan of Rollins swing and he hits lasers.
Yeah-the defense and speed plus the switch hitting with okay pop seems tough to pass on.
He is a gap monster , hits the ball hard every time and if he gets in first he’s on third. I chose him after no honus , and I’m very pleased
Defense n switch hitting I love him I started off bad first 20 ABs but he’s legit for me now
Nice! Thanks fellas. Picked up, will see how I like em
Crushes high stuff, quick swing, elite defense and base running.
I just got him, is everyone using him as lead off?
I bat him and Jackie 1 and 2. So far, he has been great. His swing is so smooth. Reminds me of moncada or Dahl if you've used them in showdown
He is a hitting machine, but I can’t fathom getting all of those XBH.
He can hit bombs before prestige. My fav card since i got him day 2 of program being out. Im 7 runs from prestige Rollins and he may never leave unless im just messing around.
Better or worst that Jose Reyes mlb 19?
Hits gaps on the reg. Sneaky power from both sides. He can pick it and has a cannon for an arm. Just a joy to play. Nothing here that's not to LOVE. Sold Banks for him and I have absolutely zero regrets.