Need advice
i have a pretty lefty handed line up with Brock Belli Walker Gorman Didi and once i get Musial , so i was thinking of looking for a good righty 3B but i have Gorman there who has been raking for me so should i try to look for a good righty 2B or SS ??
I have Correa playing SS and i know he can play 3rd but my only replacement SS is Seager at the moment and i have DIDI playing 2B right now so just looking for different ideas.. i do have my CAP Gold at 2B and hes a switch hitter maybe i should move him to 3rd?
... Donaldson?
Yount and Sig Robinson
i dont have nearly the stubs for donaldson ... and ok ill check out yount and robinson
Killebrew drops bombs if you don’t mind the subpar defense.
@SaveFarris said in Need advice:
... Donaldson?
Lol maybe not suggest the most expensive card in the game
@theman925 said in Need advice:
Killebrew drops bombs if you don’t mind the subpar defense.