Best Cards
To me the strongest bat in the game is Ted Williams. Pitchers are tough, because it's such a matchup thing, but I'd say my most reliable starter is Seaver - most reliable reliever is Fingers.
Ted William's and Alomar hit really well for me. Hardware Bryce Harper off the bench too. Guys hitting close to .400 for me but that's skewed because I only use him against righties late game.
Finest Scherzer and Buelher are great for me on the hill as starters. Hendricks and that Postseason Corbin always shut down too.
Pujols is a HR king for me... Griffey Jr has my highest rbis (actually higher HR than Pujols but had him much much much longer) but my clutch is Bench! Bench is probably 3rd in HR but has a nice .BA and 2nd in rbis.
O. Smith, Gwynn and Alomar never left my lineup
SS Giancarlo Stanton is a monster. Always comes through for me.
@stlcaesar said in Best Cards:
O. Smith, Gwynn and Alomar never left my lineup
I can appreciate that, they're great OBP-dudes when you have Power guys to drive them in, or can be really annoying RBI-liners if given the opportunity. I prefer Hornsby to Alomar though, and use Molitor sometimes for the same concept. Ozzy never really worked for me, but there's no lack of versatile SSs in the decks.
To me the best hitters in the game are SS Jimmie Foxx and Finest Bellinger. Best overall card in the game is Willie Mays.
Cards that play above their attributes include Ken Griffey Jr, Gary Carter and Vlad Sr.
For me the best players are Babe, Mays, Belli, Foxx and Griffey. That’s why I have to play Belli 1st base and Jimmie on 3rd.
Bellinger, Griffey and Wagner are the three offensive cards that are tough to keep out of my lineup.
Cobb, Mays and Henderson are the next theee game changers. Too bad I have to swap one of the six out.
These 6 can win a game for you in multiple ways and won’t lose a game for you (except the weird Griffey animation in CF)
Pitching wise- Kershaw despite everyone seeing him is still the king imo.
I get better results from SS Trout on CF, Finest Belli for RF (Or Vlad), and Kiner or Bregman on LF since Teddy Ballgame, though 100+ PAs, always underperform on me. Finest Baez or Ernie Banks starting SS so I can keep Honus on the bench, ready to pinch-run and play anywhere. 1B has always been my problem. Can't get consistent slugging out of Gherig, Thomas, A-Gon, but acceptable from Pujols. Kershaw is by far my best starter. Lefty is good too, and Buehler, Gibson (meh) and Strassburg. But Fuuuxk - Guidry, Madbum, Wainwright, Cole, Walter Johnson, hate them all.
@MAC_Law80 said in Best Cards:
I get better results from SS Trout on CF, Finest Belli for RF (Or Vlad), and Kiner or Bregman on LF since Teddy Ballgame, though 100+ PAs, always underperform on me. Finest Baez or Ernie Banks starting SS so I can keep Honus on the bench, ready to pinch-run and play anywhere. 1B has always been my problem. Can't get consistent slugging out of Gherig, Thomas, A-Gon, but acceptable from Pujols. Kershaw is by far my best starter. Lefty is good too, and Buehler, Gibson (meh) and Strassburg. But Fuuuxk - Guidry, Madbum, Wainwright, Cole, Walter Johnson, hate them all.
Ted Williams does not live up to his attributes this year, I have the same problem with Babe Ruth who others absolutely love. I hit nothing but warning track screamers/flyouts. If you have the stubs I highly recommend trying SS Jimmie Foxx to fix your problem at 1B, his swing is the best in the game imo and he sprays it all over the field.
Pujols is still hitting over .400 for me. Mays hasn’t been in the lineup long, but obviously is a tough out. I think Snider is probably my next best hitter.
@raesONE said in Best Cards:
@MAC_Law80 said in Best Cards:
I get better results from SS Trout on CF, Finest Belli for RF (Or Vlad), and Kiner or Bregman on LF since Teddy Ballgame, though 100+ PAs, always underperform on me. Finest Baez or Ernie Banks starting SS so I can keep Honus on the bench, ready to pinch-run and play anywhere. 1B has always been my problem. Can't get consistent slugging out of Gherig, Thomas, A-Gon, but acceptable from Pujols. Kershaw is by far my best starter. Lefty is good too, and Buehler, Gibson (meh) and Strassburg. But Fuuuxk - Guidry, Madbum, Wainwright, Cole, Walter Johnson, hate them all.
Ted Williams does not live up to his attributes this year, I have the same problem with Babe Ruth who others absolutely love. I hit nothing but warning track screamers/flyouts. If you have the stubs I highly recommend trying SS Jimmie Foxx to fix your problem at 1B, his swing is the best in the game imo and he sprays it all over the field.
I swear that Ted Williams hates a specific player type and I'm that exact player type