Sig series Chapman?
@TheHungryHole said in Sig series Chapman?:
@PhillyRunt44 said in Sig series Chapman?:
Looking at him on the market right now. I've always wanted to try him but my question is is it worth paying that kind of stubs for a reliever when I'm playing on all star? Pitching on AS has been a cluster so I feel like it's an overpay for someone who wont play every game and will probably be erratic because of the pitching on the game. Thoughts?
mate i have around 70 IP in online with the live series Chapman, and he has around sub 1.00 ERA
why spend the extra dough when the LS is amazing too right ?
just some food for thought.....
That's a good point. My LS Chapman has been good for me, not quite sub 1.00 ERA good lol, and only lost the closer job when I unlocked Rollie Fingers. The double outlier quirk on the sig series Chapman has been tempted to see if hes that much better ot not.
If you’ve done all the POTM’s so far you get a Ducks pack with a chance to pull Chap. I got lucky, & pulled him.
@MaNNYY_RaYY said in Sig series Chapman?:
If you’ve done all the POTM’s so far you get a Ducks pack with a chance to pull Chap. I got lucky, & pulled him.
I know I pulled the base round again. Solid 8k stubs.
That card is very overrated, I tried him out, not that much btr than the LS
@PhillyRunt44 said in Sig series Chapman?:
@TheHungryHole said in Sig series Chapman?:
@PhillyRunt44 said in Sig series Chapman?:
Looking at him on the market right now. I've always wanted to try him but my question is is it worth paying that kind of stubs for a reliever when I'm playing on all star? Pitching on AS has been a cluster so I feel like it's an overpay for someone who wont play every game and will probably be erratic because of the pitching on the game. Thoughts?
mate i have around 70 IP in online with the live series Chapman, and he has around sub 1.00 ERA
why spend the extra dough when the LS is amazing too right ?
just some food for thought.....
That's a good point. My LS Chapman has been good for me, not quite sub 1.00 ERA good lol, and only lost the closer job when I unlocked Rollie Fingers. The double outlier quirk on the sig series Chapman has been tempted to see if hes that much better ot not.
i had the special Chapman card and didn't notice a difference personally - but i didn't hold that card long and sold it for other stuff
rollie has been horrible for me i have no clue why but i blame myself and punch myself in the plums every time he fails me
How about Dibble instead of SS SS Chapman? Worth the stubs?
@PhillyRunt44 said in Sig series Chapman?:
How about Dibble instead of SS SS Chapman? Worth the stubs?
I'm going to say he's also in the same boat as my original comment about Chapman. On AS difficulty, he's not that special but once you get to HoF+ he's a monster and a favorite of the higher ranked guys.
I'd still recommend saving the stubs unless he is the best/one of the few upgrades you need.
I got lucky and pulled him and I love him too much to sell him. He can completely neutralize guys and his stat upgrades over the LS means the opponent's PCI is smaller and he can locate better.
@PhillyRunt44 said in Sig series Chapman?:
How about Dibble instead of SS SS Chapman? Worth the stubs?
Betances has been lights out for me and he is around 60K last time i checked !!
@DoIHearBossMusic said in Sig series Chapman?:
That card is very overrated, I tried him out, not that much btr than the LS
Yuuup and I hit him pretty well on HOF some ppl don’t know how to use him
To answer your question : if stubs are tight I would not spend on the 97 Chapman but I would consider selling Ortiz and buying dibble and thome. 97 Chapman is really good, but the LS one is also really good so it's not a massive upgrade.
I think dibble is still the best RP in the game, plus there is no poor man's version of him like there is with Chapman so I'd spend my stubs there.
Also while it may be easier to hit on all star, I wouldn't use that as a reason to not spend on pitching. I actually might argue that the best way to have success pitching on all star is to have really good strikeout pitchers so it might be more important to spend on pitching in all star
I’d argue that LS Chapman’s 2 seam is a better mix than the Sig version. I still roll with the expensive one, but if you’re tight on stubs there’s little to no benefit by paying up for the sig. Ernie Banks from the DotP on the other hand is worth every stub.