High fast ball..fix it please
@ayman718 said in High fast ball..fix it please:
The prob isnt really the fastball it is the sinker, it shouldn't have that much break to it when thrown high in the zone or above the zone
Really? High sinkers are great to hit against. The ball sinks right into my PCI and if I time it well I can crush it much more often than a high 4 seam
@jonnydaman said in High fast ball..fix it please:
@ayman718 said in High fast ball..fix it please:
The prob isnt really the fastball it is the sinker, it shouldn't have that much break to it when thrown high in the zone or above the zone
Really? High sinkers are great to hit against. The ball sinks right into my PCI and if I time it well I can crush it much more often than a high 4 seam
Well it was an actual thing that they patched in the past, was either MLB 18 or 19 don't remember
No it would be easier to get hits if the game rewarded you for pci placement. If I’m using a power hitter and I good good the ball, pci top line, diamond or circle on the ball it shouldn’t come off at a lower speed then the fastball thrown
@beanball0571 said in High fast ball..fix it please:
No it would be easier to get hits if the game rewarded you for pci placement. If I’m using a power hitter and I good good the ball, pci top line, diamond or circle on the ball it shouldn’t come off at a lower speed then the fastball thrown
It would truly be great if the game rewarded you for pci placement. Even greater if it didn't randomly animate the placement somewhere you didn't place it to create some scenario that wasn't there. I've actually not touched my controller (now this is rare) and the AI would animate my swing being slightly right and high to justify the 'ol "he swung through that one".
It just do what it want do do.
It's the games fault you suck, we know
@dcordash1 said in High fast ball..fix it please:
@The_Canuckler said in High fast ball..fix it please:
So because you can't hit a high fastball something needs to be done about it by the devs? wouldn't the thing to be done be practice?
No..when the word impossible because AI imposes this restriction...practice does not help.
Here is the deal, once you put a certain amount of hours in learning zone hitting you have got it. It's not brain surgery, it's not all this scientific rhetoric you hear. It's simply watching the pitch as it leaves the pitcher's hand, following the pitch, swinging at the pitch at the proper time. Once you learn zone it's simply...see ball hit ball...there is no more practicing.
IF you've played 100 innings on HOF mode...there is no more practicing that's going to make you any better. Either you have the reflexes and eye-hand-coordination or you don't.
Then the AI control takes over. And, regardless of the arguments, practice does not allow you to cross barriers and pitfalls within the code. AI runs this game not us humans.
Wow.. just so much wrong with that comment it's hard to know where to begin.
I just played a game where the guy threw 64 Sinkers high and in .... I messaged him afterwards and told him what a [censored] he is.
Get rid of your ZENITH TV..............
@Mickdrenalen said in High fast ball..fix it please:
I just played a game where the guy threw 64 Sinkers high and in .... I messaged him afterwards and told him what a [censored] he is.
Lol. If I notice you can't touch it, better believe I'll spam it until you show me otherwise. If that makes you mad you should consider playing a different game, because that's literally the purpose of this whole game and sport; throw something the batter can't hit.
And if you'd be THAT salty to throw me some profanities through messenger, I'll report you as well in hope of a good ole 2 week PSN ban.
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Love these joke topics
@Mickdrenalen said in High fast ball..fix it please:
@raesONE said in High fast ball..fix it please:
@Mickdrenalen said in High fast ball..fix it please:
I just played a game where the guy threw 64 Sinkers high and in .... I messaged him afterwards and told him what a [censored] he is.
Lol. If I notice you can't touch it, better believe I'll spam it until you show me otherwise. If that makes you mad you should consider playing a different game, because that's literally the purpose of this whole game and sport; throw something the batter can't hit.
And if you'd be THAT salty to throw me some profanities through messenger, I'll report you as well in hope of a good ole 2 week PSN ban.
Yeah except in real baseball the sinker doesn't curve above the zone and then dip in at the last second at the top of the box.. Genuis. People that leave snarky uneducated comments like this make me think you have LDE syndrome.
Well you can think whatever you want, fact is that you can't hit it and get mad when people notice and take advantage in order to get an easy W. Instead of crying and throwing insults over here, you should go practice on hitting those high sinkers instead buddy.
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@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in High fast ball..fix it please:
I look for high in the zone fastballs and hit a good amount of my home runs
100 % easiest pitch to hit for me, but somehow I also get most of the strikeouts throwing it to some, but others kill it. I really think it has to do with monitor vs TV, Internet quality. I can hit a 102 Fastball way easier then a 90 fastball.
The one thing that needs to be fixed is lag after a pitch is thrown. It's so freaking rage-inducing when the fastball glitches to the plate ensuring you will never time it right. Oh and high sinkers of course.
@bhall09 said in High fast ball..fix it please:
Of all the things that people continue to call “cheese,” the one thing I keep coming back to are high sinkers. So broken. That to me is the real cheese.
So are you saying that when you play against someone in H2H they are supposed to throw you batting practice pitches instead of trying to get you out?
@Therealest_JB said in High fast ball..fix it please:
@raesONE said in High fast ball..fix it please:
@Mickdrenalen said in High fast ball..fix it please:
@raesONE said in High fast ball..fix it please:
@Mickdrenalen said in High fast ball..fix it please:
I just played a game where the guy threw 64 Sinkers high and in .... I messaged him afterwards and told him what a [censored] he is.
Lol. If I notice you can't touch it, better believe I'll spam it until you show me otherwise. If that makes you mad you should consider playing a different game, because that's literally the purpose of this whole game and sport; throw something the batter can't hit.
And if you'd be THAT salty to throw me some profanities through messenger, I'll report you as well in hope of a good ole 2 week PSN ban.
Yeah except in real baseball the sinker doesn't curve above the zone and then dip in at the last second at the top of the box.. Genuis. People that leave snarky uneducated comments like this make me think you have LDE syndrome.
Well you can think whatever you want, fact is that you can't hit it and get mad when people notice and take advantage in order to get an easy W. Instead of crying and throwing insults over here, you should go practice on hitting those high sinkers instead buddy.
So the mayor is an elite player, who spams high sinkers if OP can’t hit it? You my friend are the goat.
You again. What is your problem towards me? I asked you multiple times already and you always go mute when I give you the attention you so clearly crave.
Add in a players swing path, If you use players that have a swing patch to the bottom of the zone it will be much hard to hit balls up, if you have players with a swing path to the middle of the zone much easier to hit the high pitches. Some can crush anything. I prefer to have hitters with a swing path to the bottom of the zone, I am not an elite player, I do not even get close to 700. I do not get to mad win I lose cause, I think when I go into a game I am going to lose cause I hit like [censored]. My pitching keeps me in most RS games. My hitting is getting better.
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@PNCPark2k1 said in High fast ball..fix it please:
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in High fast ball..fix it please:
I look for high in the zone fastballs and hit a good amount of my home runs
100 % easiest pitch to hit for me, but somehow I also get most of the strikeouts throwing it to some, but others kill it. I really think it has to do with monitor vs TV, Internet quality. I can hit a 102 Fastball way easier then a 90 fastball.
I think alot of it has to do with what you are looking for. I wait on the high fast ball so I rarely miss it may not always put it in play but I'm not striking out but that come with a catch cause you throw a decent change up and I'll swing so early I could swing twich.