Henke or dibble?
Whose tried both, I’ve used dibble a little before but is he worth the 50k more stubs over henke? What y’all think?
Henke in a landslide.
@Lornee56 said in Henke or dibble?:
Henke in a landslide.
Really? That much better? Without outlier and not a huge speed differential?
Henke has been terrible for me, but that could just be me.
His fastball seems sneakier and I love the football and slider options. His delivery is quirky but smooth. Dibble is wild and his mullet makes me nauseous.
@Lornee56 said in Henke or dibble?:
His fastball seems sneakier and I love the football and slider options. His delivery is quirky but smooth. Dibble is wild and his mullet makes me nauseous.
Forkball not football
I disagree.. I wanted Henke to be elite, but he's being hit all over the place for me... Dibble has been better.
Henke prob cheaper to obtain if you're looking for at tiebreaker
Everyone has different success with timing of deliveries and swings. I am hitting .112 with Mickey Mantle and .450 with Mark Reynolds. It seems like the hitters I am good with are non prestigeable and the ones I stink with are prestigeable. The problem for me is that I love collecting all the cards in the game so I only play ranked and events with prestigeable cards.
Henke is aweful. Dibble by a landslide, mudslide, wildfire, murder hornets and Covid-19.
Plus, Henke is prestigeable. Dibble is not, but his resale value has stayed consistent and high.
That’s the thing only reason I’m even CONSIDERING henke is because he’s prestigeable and a little cheaper but I’m really thinking Dibble the move he also puts fear in opponents too when he come to the mound
Dibble and it's not even close.
Randy Myers, but for this argument, I would also vote Dibble. Henke seems easy to hit in this event, I would probably need a big lead to want to use him on All Star level.
Henke is like the budget option, Dibble is the goat.
Dibble all day.
Dibble is better by far
Norm Charlton
I use them both its a push for me both r Nasty