Hitting is way to easy
.248 saying hitting is too easy lol this forum is too much these days, heck don't even get over .300 and talk how about just working to get over .275 lol
@LankyRyan said in Hitting is way to easy:
@aron1740 said in Hitting is way to easy:
@LankyRyan said in Hitting is way to easy:
Stop it. You're 38-28 with a batting average of .248
I hate to be that guy, but come on man.
Can’t hardly even enjoy ranked anymore, barely play. Also I’m happy to play you if you think you’re up to it.
I hardly play ranked either, but I don't complain about the hitting being too easy.
If you feel like you've got something to prove and want to play, you let me know when. I'm on west coast time.
I can't speak for online because I haven't put the time in , but I can speak for franchise offline, YES the hitting is too easy.... Even on Legend level it just isn't the challenge it should be... CPU pitchers also walk way too may batters, more than I've ever seen in any other version... Game needs some balance tweaks, better more accurate pitching when you hit the spots, and hitting being a little toned down, more realistic....
@PennStateFencer said in Hitting is way to easy:
The Astros may have hit .270 last year, but they didn't have hall of famers in their prime at every position. There is no reason why the average in a fantasy baseball video game should be constrained to what a team had in the majors last year.
Not defending OP at all, but this argument doesnt work here lol. MLB teams also arent facing HoF pitchers all the time, not to mention fake ones that havent thrown a MLB pitch yet in most cases.
But yes, being a video game the avg player will have a better BA than MLB teams that is true. I would say a solid avg is .275-.300. The elite guys are in the high .300's. Really good players in between.
It is too easy .359 hitter with marlins and rangers in online lol
@HeadCoach11787 said in Hitting is way to easy:
It is too easy .359 hitter with marlins and rangers in online lol
you are an absolute animal
let's combine your batting with my pitching - we will beat pitching rebel together lol
I think hitting is ok, but way to many foul tips. Shouldn't be so many long battles when guys are fouling off pitches in the dirt and those 2 feet above zone. Pitching is worse. If it ain't perfect feedback, it's a meatball dead center
@HeadCoach11787 said in Hitting is way to easy:
It is too easy .359 hitter with marlins and rangers in online lol
Hey man no disrespect you need to play on HOF or legend. Playing on any difficulty don't count. So for sure you play on alot of all star and veteran difficulty. Whenever you comfortable doing so.
@whitejw98 said in Hitting is way to easy:
If hitting I'd too easy for you, blame the community.. After more than a month of nonstop whining, SDS finally caved and gave them what they wanted. It was really awesome seeing everyone united in appreciation after the developers listened to feedback and addressed their complaints. Oh wait that's not what happened. Everyone just moved on and found something different to whine about.
As usual..Its the usual suspects as well..Add in some more sheeple players/ community followers who probably do not know the actual game of baseball and its nuances who just follow the some cry baby delusional entitled and SDS keeps the game close for them. Add to that entitlement aspect for Billy Boy and his beastie Chad who get harrased in school and will be a future PD officer dishing out his entitlement
(JK kinda)..Echo that sentiment I read about the whining over nonsense or something that actually works well but they are last pick on the court type of players again a bunch are entitled (Good # of rage quits)..Been a minute since I read a good "buy stubs & players thats why I get smacked!" This year more so, those free cards are beasts. Plus if they grinded there's a lot of stubs out there..
@aron1740 said in Hitting is way to easy:
That’s really my post, it’s gotten so dumbed down that you can launch a well spotted fastball with mediocre bat placement out of the yard with Jackie Robinson. I can’t believe people like it being so simple but maybe I’m in the minority of wanting a challenge and not homerun derby.
I am really sorry you have to go through this. It's just not right.
@LankyRyan said in Hitting is way to easy:
@aron1740 said in Hitting is way to easy:
@LankyRyan said in Hitting is way to easy:
@aron1740 said in Hitting is way to easy:
@LankyRyan said in Hitting is way to easy:
Stop it. You're 38-28 with a batting average of .248
I hate to be that guy, but come on man.
Can’t hardly even enjoy ranked anymore, barely play. Also I’m happy to play you if you think you’re up to it.
I hardly play ranked either, but I don't complain about the hitting being too easy.
If you feel like you've got something to prove and want to play, you let me know when. I'm on west coast time.
You called me out saying I was shitty, so yeah I would say I have something to prove.
This is my gamer tag, always up for a challenge.You're paraphrasing. What I said was you have no business saying hitting is too easy with that record and BA. I'm not the type of person to call anyone garbage, because that's pretty juvenile. But if you're going to say something is too easy, you should probably be very good at it first, at the risk of being called out on it.
If you want to make it a thing, that's cool. 9 innings. Legend difficulty. Nothing stupid like rain or quick counts or balks. Send it. I'll be on tomorrow at 7:30 PST.
I like it, I’ll send it tonight. Agreed no bs type stuff. No Shippett. (My only request).
@aron1740 said in Hitting is way to easy:
@LankyRyan said in Hitting is way to easy:
@aron1740 said in Hitting is way to easy:
@LankyRyan said in Hitting is way to easy:
@aron1740 said in Hitting is way to easy:
@LankyRyan said in Hitting is way to easy:
Stop it. You're 38-28 with a batting average of .248
I hate to be that guy, but come on man.
Can’t hardly even enjoy ranked anymore, barely play. Also I’m happy to play you if you think you’re up to it.
I hardly play ranked either, but I don't complain about the hitting being too easy.
If you feel like you've got something to prove and want to play, you let me know when. I'm on west coast time.
You called me out saying I was shitty, so yeah I would say I have something to prove.
This is my gamer tag, always up for a challenge.You're paraphrasing. What I said was you have no business saying hitting is too easy with that record and BA. I'm not the type of person to call anyone garbage, because that's pretty juvenile. But if you're going to say something is too easy, you should probably be very good at it first, at the risk of being called out on it.
If you want to make it a thing, that's cool. 9 innings. Legend difficulty. Nothing stupid like rain or quick counts or balks. Send it. I'll be on tomorrow at 7:30 PST.
I like it, I’ll send it tonight. Agreed no bs type stuff. No Shippett. (My only request).
Broadcast it I'll watch lol. Let us know the time to watch.
@John3221 said in Hitting is way to easy:
@aron1740 said in Hitting is way to easy:
@LankyRyan said in Hitting is way to easy:
@aron1740 said in Hitting is way to easy:
@LankyRyan said in Hitting is way to easy:
@aron1740 said in Hitting is way to easy:
@LankyRyan said in Hitting is way to easy:
Stop it. You're 38-28 with a batting average of .248
I hate to be that guy, but come on man.
Can’t hardly even enjoy ranked anymore, barely play. Also I’m happy to play you if you think you’re up to it.
I hardly play ranked either, but I don't complain about the hitting being too easy.
If you feel like you've got something to prove and want to play, you let me know when. I'm on west coast time.
You called me out saying I was shitty, so yeah I would say I have something to prove.
This is my gamer tag, always up for a challenge.You're paraphrasing. What I said was you have no business saying hitting is too easy with that record and BA. I'm not the type of person to call anyone garbage, because that's pretty juvenile. But if you're going to say something is too easy, you should probably be very good at it first, at the risk of being called out on it.
If you want to make it a thing, that's cool. 9 innings. Legend difficulty. Nothing stupid like rain or quick counts or balks. Send it. I'll be on tomorrow at 7:30 PST.
I like it, I’ll send it tonight. Agreed no bs type stuff. No Shippett. (My only request).
Broadcast it I'll watch lol. Let us know the time to watch.
I’m not sure how to but if lanky has the know how that’d be pretty sweet.
@John3221 said in Hitting is way to easy:
@HeadCoach11787 said in Hitting is way to easy:
It is too easy .359 hitter with marlins and rangers in online lol
Hey man no disrespect you need to play on HOF or legend. Playing on any difficulty don't count. So for sure you play on alot of all star and veteran difficulty. Whenever you comfortable doing so.
I set it under any difficulty for pitching and hitting
Yeah when it’s legend pitches r faster but I still rake lol
With Texas easy to hit ton of homers. With Marlins gotta play more to the gaps and small ball as it’s really hard to hit homers with them.
man’s hitting .248 and challenging people to grudge matches lmao. Can’t wait to hear if this guy thinks the hitting is “way too easy” after playing on legend. Over/under on 20 strikeouts? I’m going over.