Show Pack Bundles Worth It?
No packs are a worthwhile investment.
I bought 3 50 packs and only opened about 23 packs and pulled 3 diamonds granted 2 were equipment diamonds but made 10k in stubs off of them and a jose ramirez
I pulled mad max
Don't do it. There are plenty of free packs, and I'm positive those TA3 packs are juiced. Never seen BIAH pumping out what they are right now for people.
I just pulled the elite tier in ducks and I’d still say never ever buy packs. It’s always more safe to save your stubs and buy the player you want than to buy packs. If you get lucky you’ll pull a few golds; most of the time you’ll just get a single gold and a lot of silvers. There are so many places to get free packs too in this game that it’s pretty much worthless.
I decided to mess around last night/early morning. Bought 2, 50 pack bundles for 75k. 100 packs plus 2 BIAH packs. Pulled 4 diamonds, none from BIAH of course. Overall lost about 16k. DIamonds were, Betts, Morton, Altuve and Miggy cabrera.
@GreenBayChedda said in Show Pack Bundles Worth It?:
I bought 3 50 packs and only opened about 23 packs and pulled 3 diamonds granted 2 were equipment diamonds but made 10k in stubs off of them and a jose ramirez
Equipment might be more exciting to see than a diamond player these days if it's not one of the 90+ diamonds
I bought like four 10-bundles but ended up with nothing. Earned 3x free packs and pulled Gerrit Cole. I've been on a horrid streak, so I take it this was my last good pull of the year. Sold him for 130K and bought myself the new Chapman.
I still do it sometimes, grrrrrr.... -
Buying packs is for people that are bad at math.
I'm as guilty as anyone.
I bout 2 50 bundles and 2 20 bundles last night for fun. Now I had 668k so had stubs to burn.
In all I am sitting at 620k this morning after selling everything off so cost me just a little over a 50 bundled so not bad but all those packs let me finish the Padres stage 1 TA and get 6 TA packs which I pulled Cole so by cause and affect it worked out in the long run