15 Ballin is a Gold
Diamond Dynasty
I've stock piled 15 Ballin pks. im about to open em, any guess on how many diamonds?
One. Just like the odds say
big fat goose egg lol
22 total golds 1 Springer
Wow pulled 0 out of the Ballin pks. lol
pulled Max out of a show pk & Kieboom from a headliners -
I dont think I've pulled a single diamond from those all year, only luck I've had is those headliners ones
Watch out the, "odds don't work that way", guys are going to come for you. You best be happy with those golds.
I pulled 2 Walker Buehlers out of the five pack. I tried to give them back but they wouldn’t take them.
I've gotten like 4 or 5. Most recently bellinger from the 2nd last card rather than the last flip