Remove Directional already....
Why? I love that there are some players out there that want to artificially limit themselves..
Directional produces non-realistic hitting results. The option of directional vs directional matches is fine. And my location is fine. I win a majority of my games, especially against directional hitters so that is not the issue.
@BobDafer said in Remove Directional already....:
Directional produces non-realistic hitting results. The option of directional vs directional matches is fine. And my location is fine. I win a majority of my games, especially against directional hitters so that is not the issue.
Wait what? that doesn't make sense at all, how does it produce non-realistic hitting results?
@AftershockFx said in Remove Directional already....:
Directional is trash. Supposedly, SDS said that using directional removed perfect/perfect from that input which is a lie. Realistically it should not be in online play at all. Especially when AS randomly teleports balls into the strike zone even with the correct input ...
I don’t know about you, but I miss only 3-4 pitches right down the middle a game. Since this is on all star, because you wouldn’t be composing about this on higher difficulties if you could get there, you’re telling me that you can’t put up more than 4 runs in an all star game? If this person is using directional, they ain’t the best pitcher, so seems you guys are complaining to complain and trying to justify losing constantly
@AftershockFx said in Remove Directional already....:
Directional is trash. Supposedly, SDS said that using directional removed perfect/perfect from that input which is a lie. Realistically it should not be in online play at all. Especially when AS randomly teleports balls into the strike zone even with the correct input ...
Ramone said that in live stream, but was quickly corrected by another SDS employee that directional can achieve that, so no, SDS doesn't claim that.
@FranklinSabers16 said in Remove Directional already....:
@AftershockFx said in Remove Directional already....:
Directional is trash. Supposedly, SDS said that using directional removed perfect/perfect from that input which is a lie. Realistically it should not be in online play at all. Especially when AS randomly teleports balls into the strike zone even with the correct input ...
I don’t know about you, but I miss only 3-4 pitches right down the middle a game. Since this is on all star, because you wouldn’t be composing about this on higher difficulties if you could get there, you’re telling me that you can’t put up more than 4 runs in an all star game? If this person is using directional, they ain’t the best pitcher, so seems you guys are complaining to complain and trying to justify losing constantly
This is if they hit all these pitches as homeruns too
"The game should only cater to the way I want to play it."
@bhall09 said in Remove Directional already....:
"The game should only cater to the way I want to play it."
Actually, no. No one said that. But thanks for playing
@skepple15 said in Remove Directional already....:
@BobDafer said in Remove Directional already....:
Directional produces non-realistic hitting results. The option of directional vs directional matches is fine. And my location is fine. I win a majority of my games, especially against directional hitters so that is not the issue.
Wait what? that doesn't make sense at all, how does it produce non-realistic hitting results?
@FranklinSabers16 said in Remove Directional already....:
@AftershockFx said in Remove Directional already....:
Directional is trash. Supposedly, SDS said that using directional removed perfect/perfect from that input which is a lie. Realistically it should not be in online play at all. Especially when AS randomly teleports balls into the strike zone even with the correct input ...
I don’t know about you, but I miss only 3-4 pitches right down the middle a game. Since this is on all star, because you wouldn’t be composing about this on higher difficulties if you could get there, you’re telling me that you can’t put up more than 4 runs in an all star game? If this person is using directional, they ain’t the best pitcher, so seems you guys are complaining to complain and trying to justify losing constantly
Congratulations, you only miss 3-4 pitches over the plate that otherwise shouldn't be over the plate. That's very realistic considering when pitchers miss pitches in real life they literally miss them exactly over the middle of the plate in the same spot, 100% of the time ... The difference in pitching is very noticeable when you jump from AS to HOF and it's very noticeable online as opposed to offline as well. By no means am I an amazing player but, I certainly do not lose all of the time either so I have no idea what you're talking about there ... I'm fine with directional being allowed in offline modes only but, it should be eliminated from what SDS is calling competitive online play.
@CalisGW said in Remove Directional already....:
Zone > Directional is the popular belief. So why are you upset that someone is playing with the inferior option?
Because it just exploits the AI false animation that much more. Typically, if you just lay pitches on the edge of the box they don't get hit real hard. When you lay them slightly outside the box they don't generally get hit period.
So, in order for SDS to keep with their philosophy of guaranteeing everyone wins (even the directionals) they have to cheat the animation. Most common is to take a pitch you know you lined up perfectly on the edge or, often, outside the box. Unhittable in real life...SO, the AI puts that pitch right down the gut of the plate. Directional player get that homerun that wins the game. Often, that single HR the AI manufactures might be the only hit they get.
That's why I could see a good reason to get rid of directional. The semi-obvious AI liberties taken to guarantee parity...become way-obvious.
@FranklinSabers16 said in Remove Directional already....:
You don’t even know if they are using directional too, you’re most likely bad and can’t locate pitchers or mix it up lmao
You can tell who is using directional and who isn’t based on the results of certain types of contact. For instance if you pitch low in the zone a directional hitter will beat groundball after groundball after groundball. If you pound low in The strike zone the hitter will almost certainly be unable to hit homers. Some liners but no homers. Most players who rely on that swing mode will refuse to offer at anything low in the zone without 2 strikes on them. I welcome these guys as it will be a very short game.
@eatyum said in Remove Directional already....:
@AftershockFx said in Remove Directional already....:
Directional is trash. Supposedly, SDS said that using directional removed perfect/perfect from that input which is a lie. Realistically it should not be in online play at all. Especially when AS randomly teleports balls into the strike zone even with the correct input ...
Ramone said that in live stream, but was quickly corrected by another SDS employee that directional can achieve that, so no, SDS doesn't claim that.
I wouldn't be surprised if an SDS employee recanted something Ramone said, wouldn't be the first time. In all honesty directional should not allow perfect timing under any circumstances.
Guys that have very low averages, with high hr totals/low rbi totals are often Directional hitters. They strike out religiously because they swing at everything low in the zone. Most of the time you can K them nonstop, but when the game pulls your pitch up they are gifted a hr. You shouldn't have a hitting setup that rewards bad plate discipline
@BobDafer said in Remove Directional already....:
@bhall09 said in Remove Directional already....:
"The game should only cater to the way I want to play it."
Actually, no. No one said that. But thanks for playing
"Just remove it from online. For the love of all that is holy."
@AftershockFx said in Remove Directional already....:
I'm fine with directional being allowed in offline modes only but, it should be eliminated from what SDS is calling competitive online play.
As @CalisGW stated previously, in fairness to those who may have a physical impairment that prohibits the more manually intensive hitting options being accessible, removing directional from online play is not just. However, the game could avoid mixing players of dissimilar input modes.
@Red_Ted_is_back said in Remove Directional already....:
@AftershockFx said in Remove Directional already....:
I'm fine with directional being allowed in offline modes only but, it should be eliminated from what SDS is calling competitive online play.
As @CalisGW stated previously, in fairness to those who may have a physical impairment that prohibits the more manually intensive hitting options being accessible, removing directional from online play is not just. However, the game could avoid mixing players of dissimilar input modes.
Maybe so but, they could literally stop rewarding directional hitters with solid contact on balls below the zone simply because they hold up and hit square.
If directional hitting was advantageous as people make it out to be, I’d definitely use it.
Until then, I’ll continue to use zone and couldn’t care less if my opponent uses directional.
I use zone as well, however; it's no secret that the combination of All-Star pitches being sucked into the zone or to a meatball benefits directional hitters way more than it should. Directional should not be in any mode that is considered competitive. Ideally SDS, would address pitching and make that input actually matter but, they wont.
I've found it helpful for some moments, or perhaps I really haven't but got lucky when I mixed it up after getting frustrated. That's the argument for directional as far as I'm concerned, but I don't really see any harm that would require arguments.