Are the Duck on the Pond Packs worth it?
Are they worth spending 35,000? What is the lowest on of the players is selling for? Would that make me profit? Also, how long are they live?
Not sure how long the sale is for today.
Maybe you make a profit, but you will have to wait to see till at least tomorrow where the prices are gonna land for a bit.
Some of the cards are good though. That CP is definitely a good closer, Murphy is solid and Kingman kind of reminds me of Reggies but with worse fielding.
You might want to look at taking one of the cards you think people will be less likely to select and hope since there's less taken, the supply will be less and higher market prices as a result.
The lowest cards in a pack like this will never make you profit - that would make no sense lol
I got a rare and base so I’m happy. Also pulled Wieters
I took the Daniel Murphy card. His hitting stats are good with good vision also. I’m gonna try him at 2nd for my team
Ok. If I get enough stubs, I will gamble with it. Thanks!
I gambled and got Dave Kingman & Daniel Murphy
All 3 of those rares, just wow. Made an impulse decision and got all 3 lol and now I'm out of stubs.
Got Greinke and Rodney.
Bought McCutchen and Murphy.Ridding myself of having any stupid future star players on my team
I got lucky and walked away with Cutch and Greinke. Also bought a bunch of the lower tier guys because they look like some really fun cards to try out. Overall I’m happy.
Are these on sale for a limited time?
Got base round both packs, took El Duque and Rodney. Will use both, but could've bought them cheaper I guess. Also bought Cutch, love his swing. That's it for me, I have like 50 stubs left.