How do you feel about mlb 20 right now
RS= 5/10. Many different gripes but my biggest one is the SP energy and being able to come out of the pen. Facing Kluber and/or Newhouser every game is obnoxious.
Events= 9/10. My favorite thing this year. No stress in losing games, lineup and pitcher variety, quicker more fun games.
Hitting= 5/10. Been talked about a lot but the “good/okay” on squared up PCI placement Is the worst thing in this game IMO. Outer PCIs are way too big leading to too many foul balls. Check swing system is completely broken.
Fielding= 7/10. I personally haven’t had too many issues with fielding but I know a lot of other people have. My biggest concern is the overall lack of urgency.
Pitching= 7/10. Again, haven’t had too many problems here but have had a decent amount of “perfect” releases not go where I aim.
Content= 9/10. Content has been awesome in my opinion. The only reason it is not a 10 is the way the prospects and future stars cards were rolled out.
Overall, I do really like the game but the “good/okay” results on perfect PCI placement ticks me off to no end.
I just got nba2k for the first time in years on sale yesterday.
One word..... meh
My first year playing, so I have no comparison to offer. I do enjoy the game though. The content is unbelievable compared to Madden.
@liveable_ration9 said in How do you feel about mlb 20 right now:
What's your Opinion on the game
MLB20 made me forget about how bad MLB19 was.
6/10. Showdown is great, love TA, but loathe RS and Future Stars.
I usually post negative honestly. There are only a few pros, but typically I feel like this game is literally a troll job with the buggy system, rigged packs/diamond drops, RNG, scripted games. It's very aggravating. 4/10 for me
Released during a pandemic, this game has kept my attention more then most RPGs.
Showdowns are challenging and rewarding. TA system is fun to grind for.
Events are my favorite part of online. If u get hosed on the RNG u just reload without any real consequences.RS is random. I’m in the 700s and I usually know within 2 innings if the sinkers are 95 mph or 120. When they are 95 it’s fun. When they are 120 it’s more stressful and less fun.
Fielding is wonky and has cost me some games.
Pitching — I hang the occasional pitch but I think a lot of it is learning how to pitch. My era is 3.07 with 100 games played in ranked.
Hitting — can be frustrating, but it seems the late/okays swing both ways, so it’s kind of a balance
In the space of two conquest games I’ve just watched an outfielder camped under a fly ball have it bounce off his head for a double without him even putting his glove up, a home run bounce off the top of the outfield wall back into play for a double, a line out to first for a double play without a tag, and Charlie Blackmon making catches for the cpu with his arm bent backwards as he runs away from the ball.
I know there are so many more aspects to the game than just conquest, but it is no wonder so many people complain about it.
From a competitive standpoint: really bad.
From single player content/card variety: Pretty good
Overall: Meh
Online H2H is inconsistent, sometimes I get a good game, others are a Nightmare. Pitch accuracy makes it way too easy to hang breaking pitches, and you have to swing way too early on FBs.
Vs the CPU plays great and can be fun until you get burned out.
Moments are no fun. And I try to avoid them as much as possible.
Showdown is the only thing worst than Moments. Even the easier 2nd stage Showdown is beyond aggravating.
Most of the content has been ok, I hate the huge amount of FS cards, and the 4th inning is shaping up to be another weak one IMO.
So in all honesty, I should say I don't like it. But I have been playing it nearly non stop since its release. DD is the best ultimate team mode of all the sports titles I've played. I think packs have been really good this year. Stubs are not hard to come by, would be even easier if I could do Showdown.
The content has been great but the gameplay has been really poor. Overall, the gameplay just feels clunky and awkward. With pitching and fielding it often seems like the game has a mind of its own; getting players to do what you're trying to do is a mystery. Hitting seems hit or miss and is probably very dependent on connection.
I think the most troubling thing is year over year there are more weird glitches and bugs (HR banner, players being able to go out of the field of play to make plays, hrs that don't count or count when they shouldn't) that still aren't fixed by mid-season. Overall I feel quality has slipped a ton. Feels like a North American car that has a lot features that'll get your attention to mask an otherwise poorly designed product.
For me personally the worst mlb the show version. I havent played in idk how many days but i visit this forum to see if i can get an itch of playing. Nope. I have no desire to play this right now.
5/10. Content is fine, but no aspect of the gameplay is polished.
Hitting 6/10:
- Seems too inconsistent. Dead center PCI can either be Good/Okay, Good/Good, Good/SU, or Perfect/Perfect. There seems to be no rhyme or reason for the contact part. Outside the middle PCI can be good/good on one pitch while the next pitch dead center is good/okay.
Fielding 3/10:
- Fielding has gotten better but it's still pretty abysmal. Still too many stupid things happen. Bunts where the catcher won't pick up the ball. Bunts down the line that are routine plays but somehow diamond fielders completely botch it. The red dot outfield plays where you either dive and it goes past you or you play it conservative and it still goes past you. Infielders/outfielders play as if there's no sense of urgency on plays where there should be. Swipe tags are super long and often times you can get the ball to the fielder about a second before the runner and they take FOREVER to swipe the tag. Last night I had Robles bunt on me, my pitcher fielded it, but my first baseman was staring into RF so my pitcher had to run over to first base.
Pitching 5/10:
- Still feels random. Balls seem to go where they want even when you get perfect meter timing. If you time the meter perfectly it should go where you aimed it. If you just miss the meter it should miss your target, but it shouldn't go 10 miles from where you aimed it.
Baserunning 2/10:
- This is probably my biggest gripe. Sometimes the baserunning is entirely unresponsive. The system for some reason got really clunky this year. It should be the most simple aspect of the game yet it's completely awful.
Content 7/10:
- New things come out seemingly daily which is cool. The inning programs have been kind of underwhelming though. Brian Roberts was an average to above average player for his career yet he's a boss. The Team Affinities are cool, but they're giving guys who are 4th or 5th ranked prospects in their own system high 90's ratings. Some of the guys they've given us Future Stars cards for have a "C" potential if you play offline franchise, but end up with a 90 diamond card.
Offline 9/10:
- Franchise is what it is. I enjoy the mode. March to October is fun for a change of pace. Showdowns provide a nice challenge. Moments are fun since I'm a completionist.
To sum it up I still play the game, but I don't get the urge to play it as often.