I do not like to use the auto-run feature in my franchise. However, I find that often, too often, my runners will try for second on a hit when they obviously should not. They are always caught out at second. First, is there a way to prevent this without turning off the feature. Second, why do they do that...just bad programing?
@Poetsword2020 said in Auto-Running:
I do not like to use the auto-run feature in my franchise. However, I find that often, too often, my runners will try for second on a hit when they obviously should not. They are always caught out at second. First, is there a way to prevent this without turning off the feature. Second, why do they do that...just bad programing?
I don’t nessacarily have an answer for your first question. But for the they do that is I’m pretty sure just the A.I./ Programming. I know that sometimes when I’m playing vs. the CPU they’ll go for something they can’t get to and are easily thrown out. And as far as I know I’ve never seen the CPU get in a rundown.
@Poetsword2020 said in Auto-Running:
I do not like to use the auto-run feature in my franchise. However, I find that often, too often, my runners will try for second on a hit when they obviously should not. They are always caught out at second. First, is there a way to prevent this without turning off the feature. Second, why do they do that...just bad programing?
Is this a scenario from when auto-run is on or off? It sounds like on, but I’d like to be sure.