Online H2H record
What’s ur guys records? Im 62-17 including 30-9 with my Miami Marlins. Just beat Texas 5-4 on Aguilar walkoff bomb. Nice my opponent didn’t use yanks/doyers for once. Played number one guy in world yesterday lost 13-9 he was Cubs I was the fish. Guy was unreal
1-0. I know, i know, you were prob wondering how i do it.
@mrcityofwin said in Online H2H record:
1-0. I know, i know, you were prob wondering how i do it.
That's a [censored] 1.000 winning percentage. How the hell are you that good dude??
I am 48-28.
@Ikasnu said in Online H2H record:
@mrcityofwin said in Online H2H record:
1-0. I know, i know, you were prob wondering how i do it.
That's a [censored] 1.000 winning percentage. How the hell are you that good dude??
I am 48-28.
@HeadCoach11787 i’d play more H2H but about 1/2 my losses have come via “disconnect from server”. Never happened in DD. I don’t get it.. frustrating to say the least
98-1 but that one guy got bailed so hard.
140-63 about 10 from disconnects by far the worst its been in a few years server stability wise
Ya I should be 64-15 got two DC up 10-0 and 8-0 in both Nice to hear positive responses like hustlinowl hard pitching with fish luckily I can hit well offensively
@HeadCoach11787 said in Online H2H record:
Ya I should be 64-15 got two DC up 10-0 and 8-0 in both Nice to hear positive responses like hustlinowl hard pitching with fish luckily I can hit well offensively
yea #1 is unreal, got my head kicked in also lmao
96 - 17.
6-0, but i haven't played a H2H since about the 2nd week after launch.
I'm 80-50 not great but its my second year playing the show.
@HonkyKong2115 said in Online H2H record:
I'm 80-50 not great but its my second year playing the show.
Still pretty good. But your gamertag is one of the best ever! At least in my opinion,
Starting to understand why I got ripped so badly for calling out cheaters, laggers & freezers. My audience is mostly the very people I’m calling out.
@Nats19Champions said in Online H2H record:
Starting to understand why I got ripped so badly for calling out cheaters, laggers & freezers. My audience is mostly the very people I’m calling out.
This is online rated which you don’t play but nice try
@Politergeist said in Online H2H record:
@HonkyKong2115 said in Online H2H record:
I'm 80-50 not great but its my second year playing the show.
Still pretty good. But your gamertag is one of the best ever! At least in my opinion,
Haha thanks I had a friend who unfortunately got into some trouble and went to prison well he was a very large white guy and everyone in the prison gave him that nickname. I thought it was hilarious so I used it.
5 win 110 loose here
50-11, haven’t played a ton lately
100 - 14 .It's really the only mode I ever play.
@Victor_SDS could imagine a regular team pennant race mode similar to SMB let's go!!!!!!!!!!!