Definitely a PS5 problem, reliably crashing in the bottom of the third with faulty commentary in the first three innings calling all players as new to the big leagues. Looks very consistently bad across all platforms.

@Tylerslikewhoa_XBL including Daily Lineups exhibition vs the CPU? It's interesting to see how consistent the problem is across platforms. @Mr_HaYsTaCk_PSN I too get a lot of "It's his first at bat in the majors" commentary for most at bats when attempting daily lineups, which is very weird. I think there is a roster bug for the daily lineup rosters.
@Blind_Bleeder It turns out the bug is seemingly limited to Daily Lineup exhibition games. It would be interesting if you had 15 minutes to try one out today and let us know what you find!
@Jungaro07 It’s really dependent on the cause of the error. In my case the error is caused by using the daily lineup to play an exhibition vs CPU. Doing so crashes in the bottom of the third every time, but a normal exhibition game works fine. Reinstalling the game and rebuilding the database had no effect here because it looks repeatable by others and is not happening in any other games for me. If you’re getting this error in literally random times and multiple games, then yes you might need to reset.
Daily lineups doing this to me on PS5 in the bottom of the third, reliably. If I do a regular exhibition and select the teams manually, no problems.
I had this last night - Played for about an hour of Diamond Dynasty fine after which, when starting an exhibition game on an opening day live start (Brewers @ Mets), I played three innings and got a crash (the dreaded CE108255-1). Reloaded the game, started the same exhibition match from opening day straightoff from the menu, crash at the top of the third inning again. I followed the instructions on Sony's website (reinstall game, clear os cache and rebuild database). I haven't had an opportunity yet today to retry.
Crashing in daily lineups
Game crashing PS5
Game keeps crashing
Game crashing PS5
Game keeps crashing
Game crashing PS5