If you are as active as you claim to be in these forums, maybe you will see this. I have multiple gameplay issues with the show 20. One of the stranger issues is my 20 is acting suspiciously similar to the hitting and pitching issues people are having with the show 21. My game was acting fine a week ago, no issues at all. Now all of a sudden the computer batters, regardless of hitting difficulty are blasting multiple 450+ft homers each game. While my batters, if lucky enough to get a hit, are restricted to singles. Last vs cpu I played, Rookie settingd, my team 8 hits.._all singles. Cpu team, 3 homers, 1 double and 4 triples.
Hmmm thanks for that. On my game the computer gets like that with 2 strikes but it usually ends with them blasting a no doubter clear out of the stadium, regardless of the level. It happens on beginner through legendary.
Are you guys playing 20 or 21? I am having the same hitting issues on 20.
Am I the only one this is happening to? I'm not complaining about losing. Just seems odd I get the same results from beginner to legend.
Hitting singles all game every game. Hitting and pitching levels are ignored. In the past I could destroy the cpu on Veteran. Now I can only hit singles. Last game I played Ilost 7-0 with10 base hits. All singles. The cpu on the other hand 1 grand slam fkn moonshot clear out of the ballpark. Then a triple and score on a sac fly. 9th inning lead off double, I then get two quick outs and then another monster homerun by cpu. Wtf is going on?
Happens to me as well. Any of you other ps4 players notice a change in the computer hitting? Every home run they hit is out of the ballpark, everytime. Regardless of the level you're on?? Then my guys can't buy a hit and on the remote chance I actually hit a homerun, it just barely clears the fence.
I'm playing 20 now and strangely am getting updates for 21. Prime example, not once in the entire time I've played this game the commentators never mentioned the extra innings rule. All of the sudden I bring my reliever out and that's all they can talk about. Been playing well over 6 months and this started today.
Does the AI hitting seem strange to you in 20? The computer is now all of a sudden blasting homers and everyone of them are well over 450ft. Then if I am lucky enough to hit one, it barely clears the fence.
Has this happened to anyone else? Top of the first and you walk up to bat and you are 0-1? The commentary is always exactly the same: "So far he‘s the only one in the lineup that has gone down on strikes" and before he finishes talking the second idiot like a parrot says the same [censored] thing word for word. One last thing, I'm asking bc I have noticed the pitching is completely different in those situations. In normal times the pitcher basically throws everything outside the zone but in the other times just about every pitch is right down the middle. Also, I'm playing The Show 20 on PS4.
Starting Moments 0-1
Did they do something to hitting in a update?
Playing the Show 20
Playing the Show 20
Anyone on ps4 getting an unhandled server error when trying to download a roster
Was the Show 20 that much better?
Starting Moments 0-1
Starting Moments 0-1