Same thing happened to me yesterday. Game froze while I was losing so I left the PS4 running for a couple hours while I did other things. After 2 hours I was bored and wanted to play again and the second I closed out of the game my opponent messaged me calling me a p**** and the I just wanted a free win since I was losing (7-4). Chirping me for caring about a loss even tho he did the same thing? People really got nothing better to do man I swear

my game froze and now all I can see is my pitcher constantly stepping off the mound. Cant get to the pause menu or anything. if I close out of the app will I get a loss?
Been thinking about how to get stubs more efficiently and I think DD could use a huge add on. A stub wheel. Kinda like madden where you place players in and then the “wheel” gives you back coins (usually a super low amount but gotta play to win I guess). I think putting in like 25k worth of points for locking in players and then generating a “stub wheel” that returns a variable amount of stubs would be a dope way to generate more stubs and feed back those stubs into the market making the game more exciting for those who want to get more stubs without paying.
Also I need an MLBTS app yesterday SDS. Madden has an app nhl used to have an app. Let’s bring this game into 2020 where everything has an app!
Ive done a few collections (Bjs, padres, and cards) and I'm thinking that more collections might be the move for me this year as opposed to grinding RS religiously like I have in years past. What do y'all think? What collections are must haves??
Got no hit the game before by Oswalt only to get matched up with a stacked squad the next game and 99 Kluber pitching. I hit 2 back to back home runs and the dude quit. This games broken I swear. I’m an okay player I shouldn’t be getting no hit but hitting two bombs off kluber seemed a little DDA after getting no hit. I didn’t know EA made this game.
Freeze offs
Frozen Gameplay
Just a thought...
Whats the move...?
Game makes no sense