Where are all the people that rigorously defend this game everyday like nothing is wrong with it????
May 25, 2020, 8:36 PM
Mar 18, 2020, 2:28 AM
You’re complaining because you suck at fielding and pitching, and a glitch that they couldn’t possibly have figured out before millions of people started playing on the servers. Go to sleep.
Mar 18, 2020, 2:22 AM
There were plenty of issues at the beginning of MLB 19 too. Just be patient.
Apr 23, 2020, 5:10 PM
You over ran the ball in the first play, then second play your outfielder was a common ranked fielder... lol
Apr 26, 2020, 6:31 PM
Definitely looks like they added some BS to the new showdowns because they were too easy lmao
Apr 26, 2020, 6:41 PM
Cmon victor, you aren’t fooling us. You know they tinkered with something don’t lie.
Apr 16, 2021, 7:09 AM
Lmao games been out for 3 hours relax bro
Mar 14, 2020, 6:29 AM
Mar 20, 2020, 3:15 AM
I’ve waited until I’ve been able to use every type of pitcher. No matter what their control is, BB/9, blah blah blah, it’s completely broken. I’ve never played an MLB game where I’m consistently hitting good/perfect on the meter and my pitches are going no where near the spot I’m intending. THIS needs to be fixed, not hitting.
Mar 30, 2020, 2:11 PM
Yes you can, as long as their main position is the one you need stats for it’ll work.
Apr 2, 2020, 4:21 AM
It’s completely stupid. Can’t get a pitch called on the corners, and when you make a nice pitch and get them to chase... oh nvm check swing.
Apr 6, 2020, 10:18 PM
If you mean the prospect cards, there are gold players part of the team affinities and then there’s diamond ones that are in packs/marketplace
Apr 6, 2020, 10:28 PM
Sell high. His price is a bit inflated right now in my opinion.
Apr 12, 2020, 8:40 PM
As if online gameplay wasn’t difficult enough to get through, my OF just literally froze after fielding the ball, couldn’t move at all or throw. My opponent realizes this and scores 3 runs. After playing the show for 15 years, never been as disappointed as I am with this years version of the game. Happy Easter everyone!
Apr 18, 2020, 5:45 PM
I don’t see why they wouldn’t just make it Honus again.
Apr 25, 2020, 7:56 PM
I had 4 separate saves for MTO before stage 2 was announced. When they started doing the reveals, I got that message for all of them, didn’t quit, get disconnected or lost power. It seems like they tried to prevent people from gaining an advantage on stage 2.
Apr 25, 2020, 7:24 PM
I wasn’t affected by this, but I think it should’ve been a part of stage 2 as well, especially since they kept the same exchange mission and MTO. Doesn’t make sense.
Apr 26, 2020, 7:01 PM
It’s literally like gambling. You have to realize there is a risk you will lose everything, but the chance of a high reward. If you start ripping packs and expect to pull the highest priced diamonds, you’re gonna be very disappointed.
Apr 27, 2020, 2:31 PM
@Boneman05 said in Prestige reward path:
[censored] people are prestiging real early this year. All you guys need to get a job or lives. I'm at only at bronze 91 because I have been working 8-5 for 5 days and trying to do yard work with the [censored] world basically closed.
A lot of people aren’t even able to work right now with nothing to do, waiting for this pandemic to be over, and you’re gloating about having a job on a video game forum??? Maybe you need to get a life.
May 10, 2020, 12:23 PM
Gotta feeling you’re gonna get 4 diamonds!
Change my opinion: This game is complete trash (w/ videos)
MLB20 Is Disappointing, So Randomly Playing MLB19
MLB20 Is Disappointing, So Randomly Playing MLB19
Post patch fielding error videos...
Patch this morning ??
Patch this morning ??
Well it’s fun until the servers crashed
How the heck do ppl have one TA let alone 2???
Pitching with meter is broken
Question on mission goals
No sense
Best way to get rookie cards for someone new to DD.
Should I sell Gerrit Cole ?
When will this BS end?
Who will be this years honus?
No affinity points for ALDS win!?!?
Collections (not) counting towards Team Affinities
Do you hate yourself after blowing a pile of stubs on packs and not pulling anything?
Prestige reward path
Let's switch it up and have some fun for once...