Even though the boost is only 8 contact right isn’t it still really META. You can make cards like Ketel, Jram, and Jimmy Rollins even better. Ketel Jram and Mantle become near maxed out with the boost. Now that Santana is only 10k and not 100k. Is the team better than a god squad or any other theme team. If not what is the best theme team

Burned is good but I wish it was someone like Skubal or Sale
I still haven’t got mine
I haven’t got a code yet either.
What are the best players to invest in before the roster update? I bought 40 Stanton’s. What overall will Stanton jump to from 73? I bet 90.
Why is Bo bichette the headliner ten times better than Semien?
Rodon and Eli Morgan
I think the easiest way is I’m to win 10 legend games in mini seasons then doing the event missions then doing 3 moments
I just got college football and I don’t know if the content worth playing for. I am at 123 cards in the collection so if I do TA I could most likely get Gehrig and Henderson. So should I grind or should I wait for more playoff content or should I just play college football?
Is it worth it for any of the cards and I am also at 123 cards. I already have Randy and I am a yankee fan so I want Gehrig. Do I need these ten cards or do you think in the coming week the other postseason and xp path stuff will get me to 150 cards
Will the wild card program or MiLB program be in the part 2 xp starter boosts. I haven’t done either because after I got Randy I got college football and have been paying tons of that the last week. I bet you have to do the Clemente program, Schmidt program, ohtani program, career tribute program, and you also have to get Carroll. I bet the wild card and MiLB program isn’t because there newer
Extreme program
When will the program come out? I hope today because if it drops next Tuesday at earliest we will be halfway through the ALDS. So I hope it drops today. Also I bet burnes, Higgy, Chourio, Alonso, Ibanez, Harris, Ragans, and Hunter brown get cards.
Who do you think could get a card and what do you think the topic is?
It wouldn’t be finest because normally it comes out in early November but I don’t know -
They won’t because most of the all mlb players will be a top option for finest
@jaychvz_XBL that would be sick
Possibly cards like seager or Kike -
But it says Postseason on the schedule
Who will be the last lightning player ?
Who do you think will get a card tomorrow and how will the program work even though there has been no postseason games
Also, what should I upgrade?
Switch Hitting Team
Finest Burnes
Finest & FInest Codes
Finest & FInest Codes
Marcus semien
Championship Series cards
Extreme Program Requirements
Is it worth grinding?
Wild card program
Any thoughts on what we'll see for TA 3 dot 2?
10-18 GG?
Wild Card Series Program
Team Affinity
All MLB team program?
Lightning Player
God squads