Getting this error when trying to play the Start Here moment in team affinity. Also by brother says that he's having crashing issues.

Please fix offset zoom to the way it was back in 2022 and previous years. Thank you
Can someone at the company please fix this hitting view? It used to be my favorite view but now there is way to much of an angle for it to be useful. Thank you kindly
Will you please fix the inability to filter players in mini seasons? It's beyond frustrating to have to scroll through pages and pages of players to get the one you want. Especially when doing missions for certain teams. Please and thank you..
Hold down either r1 or r2, can't remember, not by console, and it will make him lean towards the base you want to steal and create a better take off.
So I just missed mine myself but was rewarded a 5 pack bundle. I close the game and come back in and it makes me do the spin. Guess what I got? The 5 pack bundle. I go in to open packs and they aren't there. That tells me they are pre determined. Wow
@ebbets1957_XBL said in Mini seasons game crash:
Unfortunately I had this happen too. The only solution to get it working again is to reset/restart the season by holding down "X" at the main menu for that mini season.. You'll have to start over, but it did correct the issue with it crashing the game.
Great SDS. This now makes 2 seasons I've played through to get vouchers for Team Affinity and wasted 10 hours to have to restart. First invalid roster, now this. Y'all need to give people a free pack with 10 vouchers cause this is ridonkulous
Every time I try to enter mini seasons it causes the game to crash on PS5. Anyone else having this issue?
How are we still unable to filter players in mini seasons? Having to scroll through every player to get to the one you want is behind frustrating. Please fix ASPCA
I usually don't post anything,but this is unacceptable. People that are working on TA to get those vouchers just played and wasted several hours to get screwed out of why they were playing the mode to begin with. All this does is deter people from wanting to play. You guys understand? Ok, well that does 0 to help. Y'all need to put a free pack with the same amount of vouchers we would get for completing.
Is there still no sense of urgency by fielders when runners are on base? Why do they still take their sweet time fielding a ball that bounces off the wall and throwing it in? Why do they still throw lob underarm "passes" in the infield with someone is in a pickle? How do people play this game online?
Why are the runners significantly slower in head to head matches? Why don't base runners run a ground ball out instead of lolly gagging to first? Will this ever be fixed?
I was getting close to 2 to 3k per All-star game last inning. Now I'm barely getting 1k. Is it just me?
Yep seems to be a known issue
Says 0 as the program and says expired.
So for some reason when you dashboard the game before it ends it doesn't give you a loss. I watch someone do it on an event game and it was about to end due to a walk-off Homer and he dashboarded and he got back on and he didn't have a loss and it acted like the game wasn't even played.
On an event game it didn't even give them a loss
My friend dashboarded an event game and it didn't give him a loss. Ummm what the hey?
@destructocid731_psn said in MLB SHOW 21 PS5 GRAPHICS:
@buuddy66_psn said in MLB SHOW 21 PS5 GRAPHICS:
Anyone feel ps5 graphics are identical to MLB SHOW 20?
Don't see much difference to be honest
I actually think 20 looked better. They messed up the lighting, night games are dark in most stadiums and lighting looks weird. The beautiful lighting inside of domes during day games is gone now. Skin textures look bad on a lot of players. Feels like and unfinished game. So many weird little glitches and issues and the lighting just kills the experience.
Good I'm glad it's not just me that feels this way. Everything just kind of seems dim and dark instead of bright and vibrant. When the PS5 came out MLB the Show 20 on the highest resolution and HDR looked beautiful, but this just doesn't look really good
@sizzla718_psn said in In play view defense:
U can change it I use medium for both offense/defense
I figured it out. In game it was locked and you can't change it. You have to change it in the settings from the home menu.
Challenge failed
Offset Zoom
Offset zoom
Please SDS..
How do you steal in moments?
25xp spin missing reward
Mini seasons game crash
Mini seasons game crash
Mini Seasons Filter Players
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Why after all these years...
Multiplayer Base Running
Did they Nerf XP this inning?
Night games - Too dark
Programs just disappeared
Well, that didn't take long...
Dashboard didn't give a loss?
In play view defense