This is the most rigged P.O.S carnival game mode they have ever created.
@greenbuk75 said in I really don’t understand the timing:
@Tommy2wotone said in I really don’t understand the timing:
Ranked seasons, all star difficulty. I’ve been selling out on fastballs like it’s legend speed and am getting “late” feedback. I’m swinging at a cutter literally right down the middle of the plate and am completely swinging through it getting “too early” feed back with my pci directly over the ball. It’s driving me crazy I can’t seem to figure out how to adjust to anything this year. Timing never seemed so bad before.
Get off your 2012 70 inch TV bruh
I use a gaming monitor with a fast refresh rate and have the same opinion on the fastballs. What’s your smart [censored] comment now?
Timing window would be fine if my game didn’t lag as my opponent is throwing a fastball. You have to immediately press X and pray you guessed right.
Raising pitch speeds wouldn’t be an issue if my game didn’t lag as I swing. I’m sorry but when my input gets delayed a majority of the time, there is no way you can hit the fastball no matter how quick your reaction time is.
I feel there is something screwy with fastballs. Most of the time when one is throw n, the game lags. This makes it frustrating cause I have to immediately press X before the ball leaves the pitchers hand and pray I guessed right.
For real! I’m squaring up the pci and the ball just dies. Meanwhile I’m playing idiots who slap balls I dotted or are outside the strike zone. Nobody wants to play a game where they aren’t rewarded for doing what their supposed to while opponents get lucky.
The amount of good/ok I get when the ball is dead center of my pci is un-[censored]-forgivable. Fix you [censored] SDS!
@greenbuk75 said in Wow this is difficult...:
@XxSupercena54xX said in Wow this is difficult...:
The problem is that pitchers are consistently dotting pitches consistently on Veteran and Rookie. They are definitely messing with sliders and making it look like you’re playing on a lower difficulty. It’s a scam to steal your stubs, so they’ll never comment on their scummy practices.
Lmfaoo this comment had me rolling, how's the tinfoil feeling?
The last showdown is on all star and bc of their brilliant idea that every level and offline vs online should ALL have diff pitch speeds it fucks with youI've finished plenty of the Showdowns and I'm sorry, but you can't convince me that even on All-Star, the CPU can dot pitches on the black consistently and a majority of squared up PCI swings are Good/Ok. Either it is deceptive practices to get you to spend stubs or the game mechanics are broken. Neither are acceptable. You can say I wear a tonfoil hat, but perhaps you should open your eyes and stop being a sheep.
Anyone reading this - Go play MTO or Exchange Players to get the FotF cards. Showdown mode is a scam to get you to waste stubs. Pitchers consistently dotting pitches and too many Good/Okay when the ball is in the middle of your PCI. They have messed with the sliders behind the scenes to give you a false sense of security, so that you'll feel confident enough to spend stubs, but then rig the game to make you fail. It almost feels like a random arcade game, where after spending thousands of stubs, it'll give you sliders that will allow you to win.
@SMASHED_THAT said in Holy %2amp;@!:
That's what you get for throwing high sinkers lol
This is how I know you don’t know what you’re talking about. A high and away sinker on the black is one of the most effective pitches in the game. This isn’t real life baseball.
Guys, they will never listen to us. Didn’t you see that video with Ramon making fun of the everyone who voices an opinion and providing feedback? To them, feedback is nothing but whiny complaints while they continue to milk us for all our stubs in rigged modes like Showdown.
It’s not the hitting. They are messing with the sliders behind the scenes to make the CPU difficult to beat, but lying and saying it’s on a low difficulty. It’s designed to make you feel confident you can beat the CPU on lower difficulties so you waste your stubs. Very scummy business practices.
The problem is that pitchers are consistently dotting pitches consistently on Veteran and Rookie. They are definitely messing with sliders and making it look like you’re playing on a lower difficulty. It’s a scam to steal your stubs, so they’ll never comment on their scummy practices.
@raesONE said in Showdown fixing idea:
God, another showdown thread with complaints. If the mode is too much for you or if you don't enjoy it, you can go and grind out stats to get the FOTF players. Y'all act like these players are totally out of reach if you for whatever reason can't finish showdown consistently.
Except all these posts are 100% right. You complaint about their complaining doesn’t change the fact that the mode is dogshit. And yes, I’ve completed a bunch of them to get vouchers, so I know it can be done. The problem is the lying by SDS claiming these modes are easy when really there is a hidden difficulty spike.
I 100% agree with OP. These pitchers throw dots consistently and hitting is inconsistent. This mode is a clear way for SDS to get you to waste your stubs. Such a joke.
@sean_87_ said in Pitching in online:
The pitching doesn’t seem bad to me. Your not going to hit your spots just bc you have good input. Very few players in real life have pin point accuracy and even they miss frequently. As far as the strike zone goes, it’s going to be even tighter when the computer umps start calling balls and strikes.
Except you are using real life baseball logic and this is a video game where top players can mash anything that isn't a dot on the outside parts of the strike zone. There has to be a better way to locate pitches accurately or else why do we even have pitchers? Let's just make DD a softball game and home run derby each game.
Fun mode...until you are asked to hit a home run at polo grounds in which you crush one to the deepest part of the park and get an inside the park home run and the cpu decides that doesn't count as a home run so you lose the challenge. So much fun.
Showdown is telling of this games flaws
I really don’t understand the timing
Fixed absolutely nothing
stop complaining
Fastballs are too quick.
Ranked is a total shame...
Why change hitting?!
Wow this is difficult...
Holy $&@!
Wow this is difficult...
Showdown fixing idea
Showdown is not on Veteran
Pitching in online
Showdowns are great