I am far from a good player but I decided to play the “hard” game first and beat the MLB team 9-1. Honestly, if I can do it, everyone here can do it. Good luck!

Double points was a mistake, of course they were going to correct it.
I’m collecting each for an end of season lightning collection.
Online is as little fun for me as offline is for you. Pretty simple.
Jeter’s legend status is because he played for the Yankees, not because he was ever the best shortstop.
Stopped buying, playing Madden 2 years ago. Still feels good.
Nah, keep it like this. Cheap to get Mantle outside of Trout.
Lol at applying life lessons to online video game playing. Lighten up, Francis.
I’ve really enjoyed MTO this year. Yeah it takes a little while but at least you know you will get a reward. Showdown sux.
Disaster. You think 20 was a glitchy mess online just wait.
Because a lot of us don’t play MLB The Market. And if you outbid by just one, then 16 more a-hole flippers outbid eachother by one and your card sits there until you cancel all your bids and start over. F’ that, under cut to begin with.
Yeah, I’m struggling to hit anything hard with Judge which is bizzare. Feels a bit nerfed.
Outfielders run in circles or dive on routine flyballs......base runners freeze on gappers....and yet you think SDS has created an algorithm that can determine in realtime how to distribute packs to flippers vs money spenders and youtubers? Don’t think so.
Has anyone else ever had one section of a conquest map glitch? Central team affinity, I can sim or play anywhere else on the map but the last 8 hexagons of the Cubs section give me an unhandled exception error and kicks me out of the map? I’ve even tried moving around and attacking different spaces.....no bueno. Do I need to restart it?
I’ll be NMS again this year mostly because it was a lot more fun to play that way. I kinda thought NMS was actually a little too easy in 21’ but thats me. Challenge is a good thing.
Giving us reasons to play less baffles me. But ok, fine. I’ll play less…..maybe I’ll stop playing altogether.
So random. Just as f’ing dumb as last year.
This is it, my last year. I don’t even care now, barely playing. So disappointing.
Ruth Moments.....not so bad.
They made MTO irrelevant with this update
Votto means free stubs.
To offline players
Jeter is still on the way!
So glad madden
The Market
What cards are you guys still looking forward to?
Why do people quit ?
Legit question about Team Affinities
What are you expectations for MLB The Show 21 PS5 version
PLEASE stop driving down the cost of cards
Ruth Moments.....not so bad.
Topps now Today
Conquest Extreme Map Only Got 2 Tyler Glassnow Golds
Conquest Map Glitch
New program has absolutely killed NMS
XP Cap explained
Hidden egg location thread
Why SDS hates offline players?