The showdown is frustrating and poorly designed. Lucky factors in a lot. swinging with good timing on strikes and still missing the ball happens almost every at-bat. Try tagging up from 2nd base to 3rd base with a 60 speed runner and they will throw a perfect ball to tag you out. From 3rd to home you usually are okay. The AI makes unbelievable plays constantly. Double plays, Double plays...Double plays... Leading off will get you picked off 50% of the time. Trying to steal even with 90+ speed and steal is rng. Double plays on line drives where the fielder dives and catches the ball at the same time touches the baserunner is just [censored]. Everything is set against you. Sales stamina turns yellow after 60 pitches, and red after 110 so trying to tire him out is almost impossible. The confidence of all the pitchers doesn't make sense. You can score 6 runs on Gibson and his confidence is 3/4 full. If they get close to full, little chance of beating them. Perfect hits are fielded by perfectly positioned players. The AI's def shift always works out for them....always. YOU HAVE TO KNOCK THE BALL OUT OF THE PARK if you want to win. People say bunt but in my experience, bunting is rgn af. Game controls say to press Y and use the right stick for direction. What [censored] came up with that? I've tried countless times and maybe successful 1/10. Don't try to steal and bunt cause you'll pop it up and double-play City on you. Watch youtuber complete it. Notice all of them get a lucky break or breaks to complete. I've watched several where they are down to their last out and hit a grounder that the AI over throws 1st. Have not seen one yet where someone beats it without lucky breaks. They just adjust all the game sliders against you. The draft has far too many players in it that aren't worth a [censored]. When you get lucky and draft good players the perks draft is going to screw you. After beating Sales you still only draft a high 80's low 90 player. Plenty of times I've drafted players and benched them. Did I mention the pitcher's Hall of Fame defensive ability? They have a vacuum for a glove.... double play.... Another problem with the game is the check swing. I could go on and on.