I know this game is broke, I know that we are lest that a month for the new game, but I just lose a game becouse my opponet hit a double whit Mike Trout w a PCI of 4 and early, no just early or good, EARLY. and of course whit a tiet game and a good squared Wagner vs Frank Thomas, it as BEAUTIFUL line drive to CF. LOVE SDS, LOVE THE SHOW

Exact same reason that is way I don't help people anymore in an events game. Because they are sooooo many that want take advantage of the community. I really feel bad for those that will keep their promise but sorry no sorry
Early swings
The original poster knows it's made up. He was asking which minor league team in the game uses it.
sometimes is hard to read one sentence
if you mound visit before the 3 minimun batter player the game will automatic will make you substitute the pitcher, guess what happend?? The game frezze off and your are locked on the bullpen menu
@GradektheBard said in STOP DASHBOARDING!:
I think most dashboardsare the result of awful SDS pitching programming. People get tilted when they have perfect pitch input and it goes down the middle.
100% facts
Bravo !!!!! I like your post. More post like this whit a substantial idea, explained and give SDS at least a new way to improve this game. I am so tired to see post of people crying about the hitting mechanics all year long. Really a great work on your post @WiryHooligan22 -- 10/10
@samguenther1987 said in what minor league team plays at shippet stadium:
In RTTS for Tripple A it's the Rainers (Seattles affiliate) that play at Shippett Stadium and Buffalo Bisons (Toronto's affiliate)
For Double A it's the Fisher Cats (Toronto)
I know is mid February but dammm
Event players watch out
Who kills you the most in RS??
what minor league team plays at shippet stadium
Hey SDS, here is a new glitch !!!
2020 Content: Prospects
what minor league team plays at shippet stadium