23+ hours of game played and I have 123k xp... 113 games played ( most offline ) grinding atm to get a decent team ( no money spent )
However I haven't finished the 1st inning collection 50k xp ( 8 x 42 series card ) im at 4 right now ( sold P. Martinez and H. Aaron for stubs for Live collection ) or I would be at 6 total but the Live collection is my priority
And.. I havent finish the 1st inning conquest map
These 2 will give me 65k and maybe take another +/- 7 hours of gameplay
So quick calculation after 30 hours of gameplay I should be around 200k
Counting that I wont be able to get much after all these are completed because moments and conquest maps will be done
I will counting on playing games, daily missions ( roughly 1000 xp/day ) for xp
The 200k and over xp progress will take much longer to process....
OMG this is nonsense.
Im not complaining just stating the facts

I play MTO at HOF and still spends 10+ hours to complete a full MTO run for 50-60 pts when 3 runs of Showdowns take about 2:30 - 3:00h. + Silver packs + Standards packs + lots of XP + lots of Stubs................
Dont get me wrong not complaining I do play both but for grinding I would rather MTO then Showdowns.
Showdowns gets dull after a while.
MTO at AS, HOF or Legend should be more rewarding then Veteran Showdowns in my opinion.
MTO still needs more love -
@sodomojo01_xbl said in SDS please we need more content:
@xentys_psn said in SDS please we need more content:
@sodomojo01_xbl said in SDS please we need more content:
@xentys_psn said in SDS please we need more content:
I understand we have a lot of modes like BR, RS, Events and they are infinite play modes and you get better rewards for playing them, I'm fine with that.
I'm done with Conquest maps, TAs and moments....
I'm not complaining MLB the Show 21 is by far IMHO better then 19 and 20 but more content for the OFFLINE players would be great.
I mean it doesn't hurt having infinite content.
I don't play RTTS or Franchise, I like DD.Obviously my suggestion would be more TAs, moments and Conquest maps
Rewards for Paralleling player
Advance Paralleling players adding RBI, SB, Ks etc...
Team Paralleling system as wellJust my thoughts.
(EDIT : I completely forgot about SHOWDOWS lol more of that too
All I can see when reading this is Corky Romano, right after all that coke went in his face.
Your imagination blows my mind. KUDO for that !
Next...Go outside, get a job, find a lady friend.
My man...
I have a wife that I entertain every night.
I bring my kids every morning and do the homework's at night.
I cook almost every night btw my wife food isnt the greatest and she know LOL
I recently bought a house and i didnt like my lawn so Im investing a lot of time cutting the grass, overseeding and water it down.
OH and you should know, im super happy about that one I have a small garden with some cherry tomatoes and salad that im super happy about. A lot of time invested too.
A walk my doggy every night.
Man if you have any suggestion where to go outside please tell me because I have been more outside since I cant have anyone over... thats sucks -
Same problem, got switch from 2nd to 3rd, got traded to Yankees org. and they kept me at 3rd base when im a SS.
They traded me because the SS position was filled in SD ( Tatis ) so I expected to be traded then be put back to SS but they kept me at 3rd even after the trade so I assume its something that needs to be fixed. -
@Johnny_Coletrain said in May Monthly Awards, where are you ? Thoughts...:
Posada isn't worthless. A switch hitting catcher with pretty good power. better than most options for those that don't have posey. Just my 2 cents.
Your right but I specifically mentioned " when your done with the Live collection "
Definitely Biggio takes the spot and I honestly would rather Sanchez PoTM or my CAP player switch hitter at 89 Ovr. -
Same thing ! I played a SS in RTTS and my created player in DD is a LF.....please help !
@sodomojo01_xbl said in SDS please we need more content:
@xentys_psn said in SDS please we need more content:
@sodomojo01_xbl said in SDS please we need more content:
@xentys_psn said in SDS please we need more content:
@sodomojo01_xbl said in SDS please we need more content:
@xentys_psn said in SDS please we need more content:
I understand we have a lot of modes like BR, RS, Events and they are infinite play modes and you get better rewards for playing them, I'm fine with that.
I'm done with Conquest maps, TAs and moments....
I'm not complaining MLB the Show 21 is by far IMHO better then 19 and 20 but more content for the OFFLINE players would be great.
I mean it doesn't hurt having infinite content.
I don't play RTTS or Franchise, I like DD.Obviously my suggestion would be more TAs, moments and Conquest maps
Rewards for Paralleling player
Advance Paralleling players adding RBI, SB, Ks etc...
Team Paralleling system as wellJust my thoughts.
(EDIT : I completely forgot about SHOWDOWS lol more of that too
All I can see when reading this is Corky Romano, right after all that coke went in his face.
Your imagination blows my mind. KUDO for that !
Next...Go outside, get a job, find a lady friend.
My man...
I have a wife that I entertain every night.
I bring my kids every morning and do the homework's at night.
I cook almost every night btw my wife food isnt the greatest and she know LOL
I recently bought a house and i didnt like my lawn so Im investing a lot of time cutting the grass, overseeding and water it down.
OH and you should know, im super happy about that one I have a small garden with some cherry tomatoes and salad that im super happy about. A lot of time invested too.
A walk my doggy every night.
Man if you have any suggestion where to go outside please tell me because I have been more outside since I cant have anyone over... thats sucksReading this hurt my head
Take an advil and try again...
@thehungryhole said in SDS please we need more content:
@xentys_psn said in SDS please we need more content:
@codywolfgang_mlbts said in SDS please we need more content:
I totally get it. Im mostly an offline grinding player and NMS as well.
All those hateful comments telling me to go outside makes me puke.
I do not play RS, BR or Events all my time goes to offline grinding I barely play the game to be honest but im with you pack drops and offline grindingthis forum is mostly trash human beings - i'm amazed at how rude some people are to you based on what you've said so far - this game has plenty of content so i don't even necessarily agree with your post but for you to have to keep defending yourself against randoms is gross - just block them mate and rise above it - half these people don't even deserve a voice or response
Wow ! Thanks for the support brother. I couldn't agree more
There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game
Please make MTO Double Affinity Points Again
SDS please we need more content
RTTS Player Position Changed by Manager - Blocking Promotion to Majors
May Monthly Awards, where are you ? Thoughts...
My created player card position different in rtts
SDS please we need more content
SDS please we need more content