For the love of Christ, please just buff this! I am literally having 99 kluber and 95 oswalt miss pitches that are PERFECT. Your last patch did nothing, even being skillful and timing pitches yields no reward to the user. Just buff it dramatically. No more tiny tuning, buff it, because its unbearable! If I give up 6 runs in a game, I guarantee 5 of them would be from pitches that go nowhere near their target even on barely missed meters. Its time to nut up SDS, I don't know how else to say it.
Jesus Christ SDS. Id rather drink poison than ever admit I was part of your dev team. Will you please f****** buff pitch accuracy!?!?!? I understand you’re spending all resources still fixing fielding and HR banner (which is PATHETIC by the way), but im literally so sick of being one of the best pitchers in the community and getting forced to throw meatballs and catch Losses due to YOUR broken a** system. Yall are sooo far from an Esport, I feel so bad for any1 thinking they could gain recognition outside of content for this garbage game. Im done holding my tongue. You dorks needs get your stuff together on that dev team. I pray for yall cuz you need help clearly.
Will this ever be addressed? Yall have been like this for years. Why are perfect pitches constantly missing 2-3 squares away from their intended target. Pitch timing is one of the few areas to create skill gap in your game and you fail to make it matter. Im tired of giving of bombs due to your pitch inaccuracy. If I mess up my pitches I could care less because thats 100% on me, but the frustration stems from getting rocked when im timing a perfect pitch on my meter that misses in a spot that allows an easy HR.
I will never understand the move to touch/change anything besides the throw meter glitch when your game came out?? For once in your entire existence the fan base was happy at launch and you go an make hitting absolutely suck while not addressing your awful pitching accuracy. The little amount of skill that even takes place in MLB the show is the timing of pitch meters and swinging, yet you have manage to make both hardly matter. If I get a perfect times pitch on the corner I expect the ball to go EXACTLY where I placed it. Im am Soooooo tired of losing games due to perfect pitches that somehow mix 2-3 squares away from their intended target. And why is it even worse for changeups low below the zone or fastballs up and out of the zone? Why are these pitches the absolutely WORST when it comes to hitting their marks. My opponents will always strike out on those pitches when thrown out of the zone, yet they somehow end up dead center up or dead center down. I am not saying anything that is now true.
- go back to day 1 hitting (exit velos up etc.)
-make pitch timing matter
I give EA a hard time being a pro madden player, but jesus, yall might take the cake on this one. Going and touching things that no1 even asked yall to touch, and only like 2-3 days into launch for crying out loud. Go look at your top players [censored] about these adjustments. Kyle, Rebel, Mcgunski, moviegamingTV. Tune in to their twitch and listen to them roast the gameplay even though they are winning 90% of their games
- go back to day 1 hitting (exit velos up etc.)
Pitch Inaccuracy!!
Still no accuracy buff
Pitching inaccuracy
Why did you patch?