It’s not so much that Chapman is better than Bregman, but rather Chapman is the one diamond in the A’s collection in order to get 88 Sean Doolittle, a top lefty reliever.

They have fully given in to the prestige grind
@a761506 said in Completed Offline DD:
I don't understand playing the game only offline... sounds like a personal confidence issue tbh... the fear of losing or failure, but it's an important fear to overcome, to realize winning and losing are both parts of life and both must be taken in stride. Playing only offline, you are never really challenging yourself. All of the offline modes can be exploited once you've figured out the AI, but you can only get a true game when you play against real human's in direct competition. Plus, there's no real psychological reward for playing offline... there's no feeling that you accomplished something awesome by beating an AI team or scenario that is designed to be beaten. Stop being a wuss and learn to lose so you can enjoy the wins.
Lmao. Way I see it, he paid for the game just like the rest of us did. Therefore, he’s allowed to play the game however he prefers to, just like every single one of us. Trying to degrade him for simply playing the game how he likes to is rather douche-like in my eyes
Thought of this potential idea. On the screen where you choose your starting pitcher, SDS could make it to where you have to swap the reliever you want to use as an opener into the rotation. This would swap one of your SP into the bullpen, which would be the guy who would pitch after your opener if you choose to do so. This would allow SDS to make your rotation off limits as far as using them as relief pitchers goes. So you’d have your opener (Morton for example) swapped in for one starter (Snell for example). Morton is now your SP, and your bullpen consists of six guys and Snell, Bc you swapped him into your bullpen. This way, the starting rotation would never have to be used as relief pitcher options.
@dap1234567890 said in Contact vs Vision:
Vision affects size of PCI.
Stats wise, "vision" is likelihood of making contact with ball and "contact" is likelihood of base hits.
In past years, yes this is true. This year, however, vision has a different effect on the PCI in that it only affects the outer ring of the PCI. Contact and opposing pitcher’s per 9’s are what affects the inner PCI.
Heard McGunski say this in one of his most recent videos. I went and tested it myself and, sure enough, he was correct.
Edit: opposing pitcher’s per 9’s may also affect outer PCI size as well as inner PCI size, as I did not take that into account when I tested it. Main point is still that contact affects inner PCI, vision affects outer PCI
Was really hoping for Josh Bell. He would’ve been the best offensive first baseman not named Eric Thames. Switch hitter as well. Also agree that SS/2B/3B seem much more crowded than 1B does.
You guys may want to take a look at FOTF Tatis from TA right now
@squishiesgirl said in When time does the Tatis expire:
@DustyDelap said in When time does the Tatis expire:
It said 48 hrs. Anyone know when it came out so I know when it ends. Asking for a friend that won't be home till Thursday..
Why is it so important to your friend?
I think you could’ve worded this differently. The way this was worded comes off as kind of a snarky “What’s it to you? Why do you care?” type of statement, which explains the backlash you’ve gotten for it. If you were curious as to why his friend wanted to know but didn’t know the answer to his question, maybe say something like “I’m not sure myself. The card looks nice. Is Tatis one of his/her favorites?”
Nothing wrong with asking a simple question, just keep in mind how others may read and perceive it.
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in PSA—Please Sell Your Extra AJ Ramos!:
@InigoMontoya_75 said in PSA—Please Sell Your Extra AJ Ramos!:
Just sold a Ramos and Espino. Now there's only 1100 and 426 buy orders respectively.
Yes it’s stupid for you but it’s a brilliant move by SDS. They have figured out a way to manipulate the market to keep the collection bosses (Mantle, Sheff, Biggio) from watering down the game. So next year be cognizant of this and knock out the collections early before all the rosters turnover as the season progresses. And don’t be so quick to exchange your free agents as they might find homes like AJ Ramos did this year.
Yeah, I don’t know about this. What does SDS have to gain by intentionally making 3 random common cards extremely hard to buy off the market? Why would they intentionally block people from completing the collections for Mantle, Sheffield, and Biggio? Don’t you think the sheer amount of stubs spent on all the LS diamonds is enough of a wall? It’s not a tactic by SDS, but more so the fact that these 3 are new cards from the roster update and are relatively low in supply while being extremely high in demand.
@pdoss3_psn said in USA Conquest:
There may be a hidden tile. Check above the Mariners.
[censored] you were right. You’re a legend brother. Appreciate that.
Boosted attributes for 48 hours. It’s his FOTF card from Padres Team Affinity
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Lv 100 reward pack:
@Bronxbombers259 said in Lv 100 reward pack:
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Lv 100 reward pack:
Larkin rips
He seems to have a great swing. How has he done against righties for you?Excellent. Not as good as against lefties, but he still hits bombs.
That’s great to hear. Thank you for your input!
For my CAP, I use Chipper Jones 2008 and change his follow through to “Two-Handed Style 2” I got this idea from pitching_rebel. As he says, it most resembles Corey Seager’s swing from MLB 17. Those of you that played then know how great that swing was. Highly recommend giving this swing a try.
@olivegarden2 said in What swing does everyone use on their cap? Please share!:
What swing does Nomar Garciaparra have? He is my CAP and I currently have Muncys swing on him
Garciaparra’s stance is All-Star Stance 41.
You can find the full list of stances and pitching motions here:
@MaNNYY_RaYY said in Game Summary Not Found Friendly Quit Glitch:
@OreoRockstar said in Game Summary Not Found Friendly Quit Glitch:
I won a 10 inning ranked game 1-0 and had 6 innings and 13Ks with Wood who I am trying to prestige. Than this BS happened and none of it counted. Freakin SDS.
It will eventually count. Give it like 6 to 8 hours and it will be Updated right. I’ve seen this twice, and both times it was fixed. The problem is it doesn’t fix right away, so it does stink having to wait.
Can confirm. This happened to me in a ranked game last night. Decided to hop off afterwards and wait until this morning. I got back on and saw that the game had counted and I received my rating points.
@BillsMafia863 said in Babe Ruth should have 1st Base!:
@Bronxbombers259 said in Babe Ruth should have 1st Base!:
@BillsMafia863 said in Babe Ruth should have 1st Base!:
@Bronxbombers259 said in Babe Ruth should have 1st Base!:
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I feel like if Babe Ruth had 1B secondary it would make every other 1B that is released afterwards almost obsolete. Who wouldn’t want to play Ruth’s maxed out hitting attributes at a position where fielding doesn’t seem to matter.
I get what you are saying but if Stan the man, who played 1 game at first That season got the secondary position, than babe is definitely going get it!
Yeah it would make sense to give Ruth 1B based on the fact that he did play there during that season. However, the fact that Musial can play 1B makes me question whether or not they’ll give Ruth 1B as well. They just came out with Musial, would they really outclass him at 1B this soon? It’s like if they dropped Lou Gehrig in this program right now.
Obviously I will not complain one bit if Babe does indeed get 1B and he will definitely be playing there for me. I’m just not getting my
hopes up yet.I would say if Babe played the position four times as much as Stan did (four games to one game) its almost certain he will have it as a secondary as the positions of awards cards reflect that certain season compared to prime cards or SS
I hope you are right! Would love to throw Babe at 1B on my squad and be able to keep an outfield of Trout, Mantle, and Walker. Another thing that might point to him having 1B secondary is the fact that they gave him the awards card instead of his signature series from MLB 19. What could possibly change between the two cards? Maybe it is that 1B secondary
@BillsMafia863 said in Babe Ruth should have 1st Base!:
Also expect Roger Hornsby to have 125 contact and 95-100ish power. His stats that season was .400 average 39 homers and 41 homers. Donaldson mvp season he only hit 41 homers. And he’s got 105 power right?
Yeah Hornsby might be even more insane than he was last year
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in PSA—Please Sell Your Extra AJ Ramos!:
@Bronxbombers259 said in PSA—Please Sell Your Extra AJ Ramos!:
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in PSA—Please Sell Your Extra AJ Ramos!:
@Bronxbombers259 said in PSA—Please Sell Your Extra AJ Ramos!:
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in PSA—Please Sell Your Extra AJ Ramos!:
@InigoMontoya_75 said in PSA—Please Sell Your Extra AJ Ramos!:
Just sold a Ramos and Espino. Now there's only 1100 and 426 buy orders respectively.
Yes it’s stupid for you but it’s a brilliant move by SDS. They have figured out a way to manipulate the market to keep the collection bosses (Mantle, Sheff, Biggio) from watering down the game. So next year be cognizant of this and knock out the collections early before all the rosters turnover as the season progresses. And don’t be so quick to exchange your free agents as they might find homes like AJ Ramos did this year.
Yeah, I don’t know about this. What does SDS have to gain by intentionally making 3 random common cards extremely hard to buy off the market? Why would they intentionally block people from completing the collections for Mantle, Sheffield, and Biggio? Don’t you think the sheer amount of stubs spent on all the LS diamonds is enough of a wall? It’s not a tactic by SDS, but more so the fact that these 3 are new cards from the roster update and are relatively low in supply while being extremely high in demand.
It’s got nothing to do with the randomness of 2 or 3 cards it’s the fact that those cards were free agent cards or not available cards at the beginning of the season. When the rosters began turning over players you had locked in might be sent down, released, dfa’d. Or any other kind of roster move that removes them from a teams original 40 man roster. Meaning new cards have to be locked in to meet the collection total. If you accomplish these early on you don’t have to worry about what is going on now. It also could be pandemic related to where the rosters were set for so long that you didn’t have to worry about the roster moves that happen in the course of a normal season.
We may be misunderstanding each other here. I’m not disputing the fact that completing collections earlier helps you avoid this situation. What I am disputing is that SDS is intentionally doing this to block people from getting Mantle, Sheffield, and Biggio. You alluded to this in your first post when you claimed this was a “brilliant move by SDS to manipulate the market and keep the collection bosses from watering down the game.” My point is, I don’t think SDS would really gain anything from blocking players from completing collections by intentionally making these 3 cards hard to obtain off the market. It’s just simple supply and demand, not an intentional ploy.
Oh you might be 100% correct in that assessment. My point is intentional or not what they’ve stumbled onto could be a great way to sort of limit availability of the so called end game collection boss cards by using roster turn over to manipulate the market and thus manipulate the collection which will seriously limit the availability of those cards especially the later the season progresses in future iterations of this game. I’m thinking about the future not the present in terms of this tactic. And if this was intentional than it’s a brilliant strategy going forward.
Ah, I gotcha. I agree, this could be a way to limit the availability of the collection guys in the future. I feel like if it was an intentional ploy they would never come public with it, as it would be sure to frustrate many players attempting to complete the collections later in the year, and I can’t say I’d blame em. Pretty much have to rely on pack luck to avoid waiting an unknown amount of time for a simple common card.
Only one I have noticed is Rollins keeps gold fielding at 2B despite being labeled “out of position”
What's the point of this event?
Completed Offline DD
Why Starters should not be allowed to come in as relievers in DD
Contact vs Vision
Thoughts on the Carlos Correa card and the other cards?
99 FOTF Tatis
When time does the Tatis expire
PSA—Please Sell Your Extra AJ Ramos!
USA Conquest
99 Tatis
Lv 100 reward pack
What swing does everyone use on their cap? Please share!
What swing does everyone use on their cap? Please share!
Game Summary Not Found Friendly Quit Glitch
Babe Ruth should have 1st Base!
Babe Ruth should have 1st Base!
PSA—Please Sell Your Extra AJ Ramos!
Best out of position players