two wins weren’t recorded for me during battle royal because the opponent quit and i got a message saying A friendly quit won’t be recorded. happened 2 times. is this a glitch they have been using so they don’t get a L that i’m not aware of?
two wins weren’t recorded for me during battle royal because the opponent quit and i got a message saying A friendly quit won’t be recorded. happened 2 times. is this a glitch they have been using so they don’t get a L that i’m not aware of?
will be playing till my eyes bleed. or my wife gets pissed. probably the latter will happen first.
anyone else take off of work/school to play on launch day?
thanks guys. this is very helpfully.
i’m not a fan of PCI. never used it before. always been a buttons guy. maybe that’s keeping me from being a better player but if you use PCI and zoom in on the plate then I feel like there’s no point of having a unique player because you can’t even really tell who is at bat.
so my question is, is PCI a much more effective way of hitting? or can i compete with top players using buttons??
Number 3 is a good question. wondering the same thing myself. anyone??
Friendly Quit Glitch
Friendly Quit Glitch
Friendly Quit Glitch
Anyone taking the day off work or school on launch day?
Anyone taking the day off work or school on launch day?
PCI vs Buttons
PCI vs Buttons
Three questions.