I've logged in and out of all my accounts and it still shows I lost everything. I have my RTTS progress but without all my equipment.

me too! wtf
mine too!!! WTF!!!
@noob4noob i restarted my game and didn't see now box show up. Maybe I'll reinstall.
Yep sadly that's the way it is. Conquest is by far my favorite game mode and it sucks when i finish them
@DEF266 Ok I'll have to look again when I get back on the game this evening. I don't remember it saying a time or anything but i will double check! Thanks!!
What time of day does the cap end? Its 1:33 Pacific Time and I'm not earning xp. ugh
I have 100 Earned and cannot progress my guy.
Just seems same 3 hits over and over lol
Oh I see it's on Impact so that would probably be why. But I didn't set it that way hmmm
How can a left fielder go almost a whole season without getting 1 single pop fly? It's always hit over the 3rd baseman's head on the line. Come on at least make it more realistic. You bat and then you play defense like clockwork. No randomness what so ever. UGH
I'm kinda getting tired of hearing the same exact announcer say the same exact thing for the past 3 years lol
It's always fun trying to bat and having to stare at a huge dinosaur moving around behind the pitcher haha
I finish moments and when I exit they are not checked off like they are supposed to be GRRRRR!
Anybody else's game super slow and gets disconnected after you finish a challenge, ugh.
It said claimed 2 but don’t see them anywhere also ugh
For accounts that were reset
I’m missing my team and now they made me restart PLEASE HELP!!!
XP Cap explained
XP Cap explained
XP Cap explained
Bronze Power
Outfield is trash!
Outfield is trash!
Outfield is trash!
Charisma Griffey
Twitch Packs.