Boy, this is a creepy post to look at. Sure, the guy may be upset, but he makes some valid points, some ideas that relate to how to make the game better, some things that he thinks occur in baseball that are not reflector in this simulation game. I could see debating with him, but you people gang up on anyone who looks at the game this way. "It's just a game?" No, way really? If it's so meaningless why are you reading a post on its message board. It's just a condescending way to speak to anyone. What does his score have to do with anything? He bought the game just like you, these are his consumer thoughts. You debate and discuss like children in junior high and honestly, I would have thought that a group of men playing a baseball game would have some level of decency and intelligence, I guess I was thinking of the real sorry not the video version. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, or my gamer score isn't high enough to be included in such a high brow discussion, but I can't say I'm impressed. At least one guy finished a book once and learned the word diatribe... It doesn't really fit here, but it's really pretentious, points for that.
