@sbchamps17_NSW 🤯🤯🤯

I’ve been able to play any game online except mlb for 2 years on Verizon WiFi. Convinced it’s the WiFi because multiplier for mlb works at any other locations. It lets me use diamond dynasty but not multiplayer. I tried to use support a couple times last year and they just stopped responding after a couple messages. Anyone had the same issue and know a fix?
I really enjoyed the eras concept for franchise in 2k. Just would like some form of historic rosters for franchise to not get boring after a week. Question is how does 2k have the rights for it, but sds doesn’t?
Was trying to find a roster from around the 1980s on the vault but didn’t find any with my search term.
Let me know of any out there from any time period is there is none.
Thanks -
Was trying to find a roster from around the 1980s on the vault but didn’t find any with my search term.
Let me know of any out there from any time period is there is none.
Thanks! -
@LIONED-33_XBL said in Pay to Win:
It’s not pay to win. Sorry I agree the format of highest rated cards in buyable packs is dumb. However you still have to play the game and there are a ton of free cards that are better than the ones that you have to get through the shop. I’ve known players who spend literally thousands of dollars on this game that I can beat with an all gold team. Player skill matters, the cards help but don’t make you better at the game.
I don’t really think it’s pay to win that’s just what I thought of for the title in the 3 seconds. I’d just say I miss there being programs where you could get per se the best card in the game. It would be fun to grind to get that card. Aren’t really any like that anymore because they’re in packs
You fell for their plan for you to lose all your stubs with those. Now you can buy more stubs for the new packs.
Just spend money it’s not that hard
New program with no useable players, but 2 new packs with everyone you would want!
@kingdutch_PSN said in Custom Uniforms:
@Dolenz64_XBL I’ve also made bug reports every year it’s been going on and nothing, not even a mention that they are “aware” of it.
I reported on a different issue last week got one reply that didn’t tell me at all how to fix the issue and then no reply after
I’ve had so many little different glitches or bugs this year. A lot more than other years for sure. Just seems like they don’t care anymore and only care about people buying packs.
Every game I’m in something else goes wrong with the uniform I made. For example, the numbers will be in a totally different spot.
Anyone else having this issue -
The content is TRASH.
The cards are TRASH.
Was excited for the program, but it is a huge disappointment. The player selection was probably the worst, but even the cards aren’t really the close to the best out right now. Major missed opportunity with a cool concept.
@xElRojo44x-_MLBTS said in Why does Ohtani not get Devers boost?:
Because he is officially listed as a "Pitcher" and not "Hitter". The boost is for cards listed as "Hitters".
To me, I would like anyone in the lineup or the bench to be a “hitter”
@AdeptOfMemory_PSN said in Why does Ohtani not get Devers boost?:
@BiigD008_XBL said in Why does Ohtani not get Devers boost?:
His live series card should have been primary DH with secondary pitcher. I fear they may do that with next year's card, and have this problem again.
What other character is a pitcher as a secondary? I don't think their game is programmed to allow a secondary pitcher in the lineup. I don't think I've seen a card a pitcher in the secondary position.
Well not many two way players. Seems weird to have him as a starter when he’s only dhing for a year plus, but I could see why sds would want to keep his two way ability. He is the only two way thats a live series.
Seems kinda dumb when he was outfield secondaries. Would like to use him as my dh if he did.
Just packed ohtani. I’ve pulled judge mookie and ohtani, never been this lucky in my 7 years of mlb. Anyways why doesn’t it show the boost for him if he’s at dh when he has 62 fielding?
@Teak2112_MLBTS lol would be expected from sds this year
Seems like a huge missed opportunity to me. There’s been programs for things like field of dreams and London/Japan series. I know they’re was the event, but the content sucks. Wondering others thoughts.
Verizon WiFi Fix?
Verizon WiFi Fix?
i would like to see Franchise seasons...Start in 1975 and have all the players
Any 1980’s rosters in the vault?
Any 1980’s rosters on the vault?
Pay to Win
Hey SDS.... How about a little incentive to actually play your game?
Pay to Win
Custom Uniforms
Custom Uniforms
Retro All Star Program- Trash
Custom Uniforms
Retro All Star Program- Trash
Why does Ohtani not get Devers boost?
Why does Ohtani not get Devers boost?
Why does Ohtani not get Devers boost?
Why does Ohtani not get Devers boost?
No rickwood field program?
No rickwood field program?