Same for me just came here to see if anyone else had the same issue. I completed the new storylines and have the player cards but all the rewards are missing and their storylines have disappeared from the menu. Tried restarting game and tried my console and they are still missing. Glad I’m not the only one.

Warlock King666_XBL
I just got mine today thankfully. Was starting to get worried but I’m glad they fixed it.
@punpun1023_PSN If you haven’t already definitely put in a support ticket. I put one in and they fixed my missing packs. It just may take some time for instance I just got mine fixed today.
@MadMamas048_PSN I’m glad they were able to help you that at least gives me hope they will fix mine and everyone else’s soon. I’ve checked my email and still haven’t heard anything yet and it’s been almost 3 days but I at least have hope now that they will since they fixed yours.
@huggeys_PSN No. I put in a support ticket on Friday and I’ve still heard nothing from them and I checked in my inventory and my packs are still missing. I checked on the Xbox store and there’s others who have posted reviews on there saying they have not received packs as well so I imagine there’s quite a few people this has affected. Unfortunately nothing we can really do but hope they address this soon.
Don’t feel too bad It’s not just you. I pre ordered the negro leagues edition and I input the code for the digital deluxe items started up the game and did the tutorial only to find out I only got half the items I’m supposed to. I restarted my console and the game so multiple times to see if that would fix it like others had said but it never updated so I put in a support ticket yesterday afternoon. Still no word from them yet though extremely annoying.
Glad I’m not the only one. I bought the Negro Leagues Edition and input the code for the items and redeemed it on Microsoft’s site only to get half the items I’m supposed to. I put in a support ticket hopefully the fix all this stuff soon.
No Reward?
not received the digital deluxe packs or stubs
missing digital delux pre order bonus!
not received the digital deluxe packs or stubs
not received the digital deluxe packs or stubs
not received the digital deluxe packs or stubs
Never got packs or stubs