Was this game even tested? It honestly doesn’t look like it was as of right now no matter the difficulty the cpu is constantly throwing out of the strike zone even hitting batters non stop. I faced a pitcher last night who threw 10 balls in a row that’s not fun and a massive waste of everyone’s time. I honestly don’t know how this game made it out of testing in its current state.

Hitting feels like garbage I honestly don’t know what game you’re playing. My biggest issue is the 80% ball rate for pitchers in conquest on like rookie and veteran.
I report a ton of team names glad to know it’s a year ban
The online component is garbage and easily the worst h2h sport title out there. Why are you surprised most people would want to avoid it? Until they get dedicated servers you’re gonna have people abusing the absurd lag comp in this game on their McDonalds WiFi and mobile hotspots. There’s a reason crappy internet is a thing people rely on in this game. Multiplayer is trash bro.
I just wish the computer didn’t throw 70% balls this year and let me smash em
I love all the responses from the SDS simps. Look at the ratio boys you’re out numbered.
I’m declaring it now “This Game Is Dead”. The casuals have left and there’s nobody left except diehards and sweats. I can’t play an event game now without running into non stop World Series players and people with 90%+ winning percentages. This is by far the soonest the game has died. Heck even last year it made it through set 2 pretty much. However it’s early May and this game is already R.I.P ,but that’s what you get with crappy gameplay and full blown monetization.
Metered pitching feels absolutely broken this year way too many hanging balls on good releases
This game feels way too rng heavy this year compared to last year. As of right now it’s way too easy to hang a pitch on a good or perfect release using metered.
This has become significantly more noticeable the longer I play this game and it’s an issue I feel needs to be addressed it happens all of the time. People who spray all over the strike zone using classic on bad pitch releases don’t hang as many balls.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Absolutely Terrible Game:
@AdeptOfMemory said in Absolutely Terrible Game:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ omg whatever.......the density is real. Good luck in life dude.
You’re a troll or someone who wants a job at ads get off the forum and go outside or play the game because all you do is defend the game which is garbage
Trash players with trash attitudes you’re impacting other players experiences but screw em right boys. What a bunch of children you all are that you can’t see how this is frowned upon. Bunch of toxic trash players here defending their garbage mindset. Like they say in Madden cheeses are gonna cheese.
@LookatTheRhino said in Co-Op Broken Cheaters/Exploit; Roster 99 Overalls:
@VioletNine9 said in Co-Op Broken Cheaters/Exploit; Roster 99 Overalls:
@LookatTheRhino said in Co-Op Broken Cheaters/Exploit; Roster 99 Overalls:
@VioletNine9 said in Co-Op Broken Cheaters/Exploit; Roster 99 Overalls:
@LookatTheRhino said in Co-Op Broken Cheaters/Exploit; Roster 99 Overalls:
Well since streamers are showing gameplay of them using it in ranked, why not use it also and take advantage of 99s while they’re out? They aren’t cheating
Because it’s cheating and I’m not gonna risk any repercussions which probably will be coming
Whats cheating? They don’t have access to cards you don’t have access to.
So they ban a majority of the community for using something they saw on YouTube by streamers they promote.It’s cheating I’m sure you’re using the exploit and must salivate when you see a team that isn’t exploiting the game. I’m willing to be you’re part of the “toxic” portion of the online community people talked about on here.
Cheating because you don’t want to click a card and then accuse others of doing it even though you can do it too? It’s called a level playing field. I saw a full team of 99s and the next game I learned to use the full team of 99s lol who wouldn’t? Besides random joes on here complaining idk what to tell you? Play franchise?
It’s cheating too bad you’re part of the problem and should probably refrain from commenting here because your openly admitting to cheating on the official game forums not a bright idea my friend
@BJDUBBYAH said in Coop real 99’s:
I think if it’s in the game, go ahead. It’s a bunch of cards you would otherwise NEVER get to use, which I think is why most people are using them.
You meant I don’t care if I ruin other players experiences
The only way to fix this unlimited foul ball issue is very early and late swings need to register as a miss. Way too many people are just fouling off pitches on bad swings. I mean honestly in baseball if you’re very early or late in the swing you aren’t making contact. If I’m going to be punished 50% of the time for good swing and pci why are we rewarding people who aren’t even close consistently?
It hangs way too many pitches on good and perfect releases while my buddy who sprays with classic with bad releases barely ever hangs anything
The online play is the worst it’s been in years and that’s saying alot
@IrishFist412 said in At this point MLB 24 is the worst show ever released:
It’s certainly not the worst gameplay wise but the doubling down on Seasons is what makes it the absolute worst experience in the franchise’s history. As I’ve said on here before - I used to play the show year round. Last year I bailed when season 3 dropped, This year I’ll finish out season 1 and then I’ll be bailing when NCAA football drops. I’m not going to keep chasing a carrot especially when I can only use the carrot for a week or two before it’s taken away again lol…I’d be fine with them going back to grinding for immortals or even the way it was from 18-22. It really sucks because this used to be the only game I would play year round.
Lots of people think it’s the worst gameplay but some people are getting rewarded for bad swings consistently so they like the game.
@Doctor-Fauci910 said in This game is dead the casuals have left:
@Teak2112 said in This game is dead the casuals have left:
Then why is finding matches in BR and Ranked far faster than it was at any point last year?
Event mode is anti-casual, I got my 2 doubles for Easter and its doubtful I'll ever play it againThis is true but I don’t think it’s because of player population, I’m pretty sure they just loosened matchmaking restrictions. Never in my time playing this game, even at the peak of huge content drops, have I found a match immediately after queuing up. The last week or so it has been immediate every single time
Games loosen matchmaking restrictions when the populations dive that’s a fact
Just that the game play feels unrewarding and completely different then my input
There are more people playing Farming Simulator than this game on Xbox One. This game is dead.
The cpu is throwing 75% balls plz fix now
Game is a "C" so far
Banned for a year and support is taking long to get back
What is with the “no online” people here?
Make Rookie Great Again
5 Reasons Why I Am Quitting The Show (Or Why SDS has Failed a Franchise)
This game is dead the casuals have left
Pitching online
Are they ever going to fix metered hanging pitches?
Absolutely Terrible Game
Co-Op Broken Cheaters/Exploit; Roster 99 Overalls
Co-Op Broken Cheaters/Exploit; Roster 99 Overalls
Coop real 99’s
Very early/late swings need to misses
Meter Pitching
At this point MLB 24 is the worst show ever released
This game is dead the casuals have left
What are the biggest game play frustrations?
Sad this forum is dead already