@reignjah11_PSN that fixed it, thank you
Ok thanks I’ll try that
It does 2160 at 60 on all my other games I believe, is there something I can do to put mlb at 60? I know that before the update on 4/26 it was running at 2160 so I don’t know what changed
Yeah but my issue isn’t frame rate or Hz output. It’s the actual resolution; it switches from 4K/2160p to 1080p as soon as the game launches then back once the game is closed. It’s not online games only, it’s the entire game
Well @HustlinOwl_PSN I'm still experiencing my issue and I assure you I know what I’m talking about. Wish someone from SDS would actually give us some answers
@hoboadam_PSN, my hdr is off because my tv doesn’t support it. I’ve tried everything. And it wasn’t doing this before the update on the 26th-27th
@Victor_SDS_PSN I installed the update and it didn’t fix the resolution issue. Is there something I’m doing wrong? It’s switching resolutions when the game launches
Anybody else having their ps5 switch from 2160 @ 120hz to 1080 while still trying to process @ 120hz when the game launches. All my other games are playing fine
Matchmaking issues, and 120hz output.
Matchmaking issues, and 120hz output.
Matchmaking issues, and 120hz output.
Matchmaking issues, and 120hz output.
Matchmaking issues, and 120hz output.
Hdmi for ps5 question?... help
Matchmaking issues, and 120hz output.
Hdmi for ps5 question?... help