Decided to check out the new program to take a break from cfb25 immediately met with a bug on the Brett Phillips moment dude on second just stops on 3rd guess you have to hit a home run? Who knows already closed the game they really need to just take a year or two off from making these games

@TripleH-4481_PSN I don’t know what they were thinking with this I’m praying there is enough backlash that they will add other ways to finish this I don’t see a point to attempt it with season 3 starting soon
Has there been a worse program than this? People hate moments and that’s the only way to get progress what a joke
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X_PSN it’s because SDS doesn’t care about stats, Ryan Helsley leads the league in saves this year and when down from an 81 to a 78 stats mean nothing to player ratings, I think they base it off splits or just who they want to promote like Royce Lewis shooting up to a diamond based on limited play. I get it he’s a god but not enough at bats for that level of jump based on there other player ratings
@supplication1975_PSN couldn’t agree more I truly don’t get it and for the “you get the win” argument sds took that out of the program this year which makes no sense every win should be at least 3 program stars they needs to be incentive to win for those who won’t make it to World Series
@Dolenz64_XBL what I don’t get is why are the overalls still so low a lot of people that are still playing have got to the 95 overalls by now
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN Obviously I’m talking about people with bad internet that wasn’t directed at you
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN get better internet or don’t play online that is not an excuse
They have to fix this for solo ranked hit a walk off 11th inning home run (perfect perfect) wasn’t a fluke I had like 16 hits honestly should’ve blown the guy out and of course he dashboards so those 3 runs and hit don’t count. This needs to be either bannable or at the very least a week ban and progressively gets worse for repeat offenders. How are we in the show 24 and this is still allowed?
@Chandaman625_PSN It’s sad that it will never happen but Barry Bonds being back in the show would be incredible
@bostondirtdog21_PSN losing to the AI again is not fun (on all star) it was just getting fun using 99’s and if I want a challenge play online now playing against the cpu is infuriating
@BillsMafia17449_XBL Sounds like me I’m shocked when people throw me anything other than a fastball or sinker I’ve made it to 650ish though somehow
@tttmerig it’s been like this for awhile it is literally the same gameplay as last year
@DEF266 same I knew they were gaslighting us acting like getting 2 cards makes a difference I will get one of the collection cards but that’s it
@TossGawd yes absolutely but that’s the game as a whole the way they have the outfield set they sit basically on the warning track so doubles rarely happen, or you hit it right at someone so homers which are just luck is all we get. The lack of hits coded into the game is shameful most of them are coded to go right at a defender regardless of input. Hitting as been broken for years yet nothing is going to change because people still defend SDS.
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X My hope is the program to end the season has a ton of cards but I know that’s unlikely I’ll probably get 1 but all 3 should be earnable without being forced to play events or BR, ranked isn’t hard but that’s only 2 cards per ranked season anyway
@xxfrystealerxx I would’ve without the way to low xp cap basically 2.5 hours of gameplay and I hit it they better change it for season 2 needs to be at least 30k xp or higher
@SchnauzerFace I would prefer a mini season set up just against the mlb teams
@BJDUBBYAH hilarious that people still make these posts
I would give anything for a Dustin Pedroia card but sadly the vast majority of these will never happen
Idk why I bother
And he isn't even a Gold. smh
Quitters. They SUCKKKKKK
Card Announcements for Today (6/28)
Banned Series
Is anyone having fun playing this weekend?
Cheaters in the show
Hitting is way too random
Need help with your season 1 collection?
Are 90% of hits home runs on ranked???
More Math. S1 Colkection
Anyone get their first boss yet?
I'm so over conquest
Every update ruins hitting
Just helping out