Ok. Thanks all for the recommendations!
Ok. I’ve got LS done. Not all star yet
The 98 MA? Because I’ve got him as well. Who would be a good profit for 2B? Brett doesn’t have that as a secondary does he?
Who’s better? 96 Mauer or 97 Napoli? Can sell All Star Contreras and Napoli and make about 115k but I’m not sure how the Mauer card is. Who do y’all recommend?
Anybody else keep getting challenge failed when loading into an event game? Only day I’ve had issues. I’m at 20 wins rn and have had no issues so far besides now
How do I fix this?
2 going on 3 days
Yes. But in the field, I dive for no reason sometimes as well. Costs me runs
Yes. Plugged in as well
I’m on ps5 and using pinpoint. Both against cpu and online, pinpoint goes crazy and all over the place once every 2 or 3 pitches. Anybody got any suggestions for help?
Don’t know who to use at catcher
Don’t know who to use at catcher
Don’t know who to use at catcher
Don’t know who to use at catcher
Event Not Loading
Pinpoint PS5 glitch
Pinpoint PS5 glitch
Pinpoint PS5 glitch
Pinpoint PS5 glitch
Pinpoint PS5 glitch