I agree with this poster, and find it well balanced. Most of the complaints I see seem to not watch real baseball. In real life, a lot of perfectly hit hard balls go for outs. Pitches off the plate sometimes go for big doubles or home runs. The most dominate teams win ~100 games out of 162. And in games I'm in, even when matched against someone way better than me (which is frequent), the final score is realistic. I wouldn't want this game to be such that the gameplay is such that when you get really good all your players bat 800 and the scores are in the fifties. To me, it feels like baseball and I love it. My only complaint is that I enjoy it when the best cards are in the mid-90s and you can level up. I don't like it as much when everyone starts fielding 99 teams and most hitters have 120+ power and the pitchers are all ridiculous. I'd like an option to play RS with a team rating cap.
same here
This is my second year playing MLB the Show (started midway with 20). I really love it, but have always struggled mightily with Showdown. Even when I only needed 1-3 runs, I seemed to have bad luck and a real hard time winning the final showdown, which made it the last mode I play since you can put in so much time and get little out of it.
FYI, I'm not a good hitter, playing majority offline. I like online, but I mainly focus on getting cards, so working on the conquests, etc. first.
So the other night, I needed the 35K XP from Showdown as my only hope to finish out the 3rd inning program before the deadline. I was doing well up to the first boss and didn't get past Snell. Then a second time, same thing, couldn't even get past Snell.
The third time, and probably the next to last chance I'd have to attempt the Showdown, I got past Snell on the first pitch. Yay. But then I stunk on the 2 run challenges, only getting the last one. So I went into the Showdown with only 6 runs, although I did have diamond Hero Time and Sparkplug.
Oh well, I thought, I'm going to go for it. I thought it was folly and I had no hope. But WTH, I'll see how it goes and try again the next night.
I did like people advise. For the first 10 or so outs, I waited until the second strike before I swung, trying to wear out Eck. By ten outs, I only had 2 runs and had hit into two double plays trying to protect the plate with 2 strikes.
But I stayed the course. Soon Eck was in the red and I hit a couple of 2 run dingers. Only four runs needed with about eight outs, and Eck had little energy or confidence. Then I got a solo HR, then another. He was on empty in both categories. Now I just needed two runs in four outs.
Then he walked two guys. I was in this. Had to avoid the DP. Got a couple of fly outs. Glaus at plate with 2 outs and Devers behind him. And lo and behold, Glaus hits it out and I win with a run to spare.
First time I've won a showdown needing more than three runs; first time I've even tried.
I'm still basking in the glory, hence me compelled to share this with you all who I'm sure win these a lot and quit reading after the first paragraph. But for those who don't, and those who hate showdown, I'm with you and here is my story of what is my best moment so far playing this game.
I'd really like this to get fixed too.
I think I meant left stick, trying to remember from memory, but could be the issue. perplexing part is I never have any trouble offline, but then online these two quirks happen and cause some terrible base running. Since it is online, I don't really have an opportunity to explore why it is happening
have you had the problem in an online game where you steal a base and even if you push R stick to slide, they run through the base and keep going to third (and getting out)? I have this occasionally and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Also, I've tried to tag up in an online game by pushing the R stick and the button of the base I want to go to, which works fine offline, and the runner doesn't move at all. I seem to only be able to tag up using L1, which then sometimes sends the other runners and exposes them to an out. Any advise on how offline and online differ with base running is appreciated.
I love these types of events and to mix it up. The one thought I had is that it would be cool to have multiple events to choose from at a given time, so if you really didn't like one, you could do another type of event.
If you buy 50 packs, there is a 36.4% chance you will not get any diamonds. With 100, is it a 13.3% chance, and with 10, an 81% chance. Then you have to factor in that there are more lower diamonds, so it is more likely you'd get one of those even if you do pull a diamond.
I have had lousy luck this year, even pulling few golds from regular packs, but then got Acuna the other night from a Team Affinity pack.
thank you
I have the option in bullpen to replace a slot, but how do I add a fourth pitch?
I've played a couple of RTTS and DD with my ballplayer, but I'm not showing any progress in PxP or in the RTTS missions (hits, RBIs, PAs). I'm still trying to get a handle on the new ballplayer. Is there something I need to do for these to show up? Does the ballplayer get PxP points? It is all confusing, especially as I have one ballplayer, but seems to have a different overall rating every time I see the player in a different screen.
I have a question and need help. I haven't seen this in RS that I recall, and definitely not vs CPU, but in the Forever Event, if I have more than one baserunner and want to tag up one runner, I point L at the runner then the button for the base I want him to run to, and nothing happens. I know this works fine for me vs CPU, but I have tried many times in the Event and he doesn't move. I don't want to run everyone and get an out at second, so I don't want to use L1. Any advice on what I'm doing wrong?
Ah, thanks. Still wondering why they haven't at least mentioned Hank's passing.
Where is Niekro? if you're talking about in the animations, I thought Aaron was the Legend batting stance #1.
No, he's not in the game. Was thinking since they didn't do just a picture like they did for Neikro, they might release a card or conquest like they did for Gibson.
Was hoping they'd put something out by now.
Almost ruined my extreme conquest last night
Almost ruined my extreme conquest last night
I’m sick of these things. At least they shouldn’t cause you to lose when they happen.
I really enjoyed the World Series grind and the September Monthly grind and prefer those, as well as online missions. I like the programs where you have to use certain players or series to mix it up. I think moments are cool, I just hate the 3 XBH/1 game. Mainly because more of it is luck b/c so many of them I get HBP, can't avoid a walk or only get 3 PAs. I've gotten where I don't mind the multi-game moments as much, but the ability to dashboard makes them more tolerable.
It's honestly amazing how good this game is
Ballplayer in DD - No Valid Loadout Error
For those that struggle with Showdown
Team affinity progress
base stealing when multpile runners are on base
base stealing when multpile runners are on base
New Event- Say it ain't so!
Truth behind pack odds
How do you add a fourth pitch slot?
How do you add a fourth pitch slot?
Balllplayer Stats Not Showing Up
Baserunning question in the Event
Is SDS going to do anything to honor Hank Aaron?
Is SDS going to do anything to honor Hank Aaron?
Is SDS going to do anything to honor Hank Aaron?
Is SDS going to do anything to honor Hank Aaron?
Network error ruined my showdown
Network error ruined my showdown
Network error ruined my showdown
For those that hate Moments.....