I got one in RS game that I lost. I assume finishing a nine inning RS game the only requirment.

Same error here on my PS5, however I can get in on my PS4.
Bush league to quite for sure. What pitcher were you using?
Kirby Puckett!
@ayman718 said in Possibly longest homerun ever??:
how would you guys know what your longest home run was? do you replay every single home run?
you can see the distance in the game log.
Agree, I've really enjoyed this event.
There is no reward for 55 wins.
Lately I've been rolling with Sean Murphy and he has been surprisingly effective. Close to Dogers completion, is Piazza 92 rookie card any good?
Kirby Puckett
Finally beat Showdown last night to get to 300 stars. Have not done any of the collections or Granderson moments yet.
Hidden eggs as of now?
Anyone else having connection issues
Perfect game ruined!
Interesting Cards That You Want to See
favourite teams
Possibly longest homerun ever??
Dear SDS, please add a few more quick count events
Didn’t get my packs for 55 wins in the event.
Who is your catcher?
Dream Cards
For all the hardcore players