Daily XP should be rolled over to the next day if not played one day and continue to roll over for each day you don’t play. It’s only fair for those who can’t play everyday like some people. This allows a fair playing field. If I don’t play for 4 days, day 5 when I play should allow for an XP CAP of 75,000 if daily CAP is 15,000 (15,000 x Xdays not played = roll over amount). Thoughts?
Yes I’m having the same problem. I would report it to SDS in hopes it gets fixed in next update
SDS did finally get back to me after I reported this. It took them a month. They had me upload my RTTS progress and player to the cloud so they can look into it. Hopefully that means they will fix it soon
Anyone else having issues with playing RTTS and not counting towards your program missions? When I play DD it counts to the created player program missions but RTTS isn’t registering. Says I have 0 hits under missions and I have at least 50
It’s in the upper left corner, picture of Fernando Tatis jr if your in the DD home page or you create it in RTTS and it transfers over. Still don’t understand it fully. Wish they had a users manual on this
My RTTS games aren’t counting towards the program missions. Anyone know why? PS the new created player setup sucks
Daily XP Roll Over
CPU Pitching
Pitch attributes not progressing is being worked on.
RTTS Program Missions
Created player
Created player