ive never seen the game being so bad and people complain so much, but the staff members just ignore it just cuz they're lazy. no improvements not humble enough to make any changes just cuz they make decent amounts with few sponsorships within the game now i guess. but hope they know the game is in downfall and more people are returning the game than playing or not buying anymore. the exitement of this game is gone and every live stream its filled with L game lmao. do something serious and make it like you care about fans for once.

they should really imrpove on RRTS like add bp before games, fix the opponent pitch numbers when you're on base, fix stadiums, add spring training stadiums, add minor league stadiums irl, add wbc mode, add trophy stuff and salary related content on RRTS. like so many things that they can add that doesnt take much effort, i mean mlb the show still is best sports game out there interms of quality and presentation but nba 2k interms of listening to fans i think they're ahead.
i saw from mlb the show 25 trailers and rogers centre cardinals stadium mets stadium etc still not fixed... when are you guys going to fix it?
selfish the show
RTTS 24 Suggestions
rogers centre and other stadiums