Spitfirex007, I may start doing the same thing. if you wait until the end of spring training go to gamestop and get it used and its reduced price instead of paying over 100 every year. because they have so many ppl brought them back. I was ticked because Pete Alonzo should of been on the cover. he breaks the rookie homerun record and gets nothing. judge did it got covered. or Jacob wins back to back cy young and does not make cover. lol. disappointed this year played RTTS once.
Jsauri agree 100%. I have watched the reply of close calls and it was wrong. if I had a challenge it would of been overturned and made a different game for sure. I got picked off at 3rd one time and I was clearly safe. he never had the ball yet in the glove. next at bat hit a deep fly that would of tied the game. challenges should be determined by the player not the game. if some ppl do not like it then make a option to turn challenges on or off.
I agree with you all on these posts. for the players that like RTTS and play it are getting the raw deal here. a lot of players buy it for that. and it needs to be better updated. buying the game every year for 100 bucks you want the part you focus on to be good. I get other players play other parts. that is good also. but make the game well rounded for all types of players. I own every copy of the game from day one. really thinking next year I may pass on it. I will wait to see how it is playing before I buy it. I play other parts of the game but not as much as Franchise and RTTS. I hope it gets fixed.
agree with you all. RTTS needs to be updated. some of us enjoy the showcase to see where we can be drafted and playing RTTS. hope they really look into this soon. been a fan from day one and own every copy. this game can be the best ever if they tweak things that players are interested in and listen. when we did beta this year they should of had RTTS in there so we could see it before release.
yes it seems to be fixed. played last nite and today and no issue with it. that is great!
Hey GameWireX I agree with you. yes it has happened. have you seen also that challenges are down also. last year you would see a challenge a lot and you would be able to challenge. in franchise that is also big. thanks and best of luck!
what happened to being able to challenge a play. played from day one and have got 2 challenges both by the other team. I have had numerous plays I wanted to challenge and can not. during the beta they had said keep posting about things so we can fix them. well here is one of a few things. the game is fantastic and if you want us to keep you moving forward please check into these minor issues. I remember in 2019 challenges were very often for both teams in franchise. thank you
have had the same issue. I have taken a pitcher out and ran for him and it still tells me my pitcher is in. ran for ramos with Nimmo, at the end of the ending I put in nido. it was telling me Nimmo was behind the plate as catcher. as some my say I am not complaining, I own every year of the game and when we did the beta we were encouraged to follow up with more issues. that is what I believe good gamers who care about the game do to make the game better. I have a list of issues found. but agree with CamaroAce1971. not complaining just making sure devs are aware.
awesome, where would I post it. it is about the franchise fixes. I was playing franchise when these have happened. would be good if you filled me in where then instead of saying nothing to do with this topic. thanks
this has happened more then once. tied 5 - 5 vs braves in the 10th. bases loaded hit a grand slam and score went to 8 -5! runs are not counting on some plays. should of went to 9-5. this has happened a few times. Also where is the challenge. I have had the game from day 1. I have had 1 challenge on a very close play which I got over turned. we need to be able to challenge plays that are close. I had a homerun that was a homerun and no challenge. if your gonna put in the rules like in baseball the challenge needs to be in there.
Drafting in RTTS
Challenges in Franchise
Drafting in RTTS
Drafting in RTTS
Stat issues
Franchise mode -Manual/Auto settings not working properly.
Challenges in Franchise
Stat issues
Franchise Option fixes
Franchise Option fixes