I thought Chipper a cover althlete I like ‘01. He doesn’t boost. Do the athletes have time from a certain time frame Jr’s boosting fine

I agree. He is very hard to control as a P. Sold him for the stubs as I don’t care about finishing live series this year -
What lawsuit? -
Can anyone give some insight? Thanks
My buddy and I play online against each other in friendly matches and tbh we both suck. We were wondering if HOF pitching would generate more hits/offense with hitting set to rookie, since controlling the P stuff would be harder. Right now we play Allstar pitching and veteran hitting. Any advise appreciated
Did you review the goals? They are turn specific for this map.
@icebergslim7669_PSN said in Switch pitcher:
@LIONED-33_XBL said in Switch pitcher:
Where do you get him I’m at work lol. Haven’t been able to look
He’s in tbe Draft 24 showdown, its only 2 rounds , enter final round facing him with 30 outs and down 10-1, was pretty easy
Draft showdown? Where is that?
@BadaBing_0_PSN said in Here is the Upcoming Content Via The Blog (there is a lot):
If the whole year was like this, I would still be playing. I can't force it anymore.
Agreed. Too late.
Anyone know if it’s Double XP? Not home yet to check
I heard you have play online to unlock the Cardinals and Giants Rickwood unis. What mode and how many wins?
You can exchange/ swap out cornerstone captains?
Stadium creator is busted too. Total dumpster fire of dumb bugs and glitches. If you play conquest game everyone’s records are off. It’s like they spent no time on WA
Cool thanks for confirming. I always set up my team first thing. Nothing was working
Anyone else having an issue uploading a created stadium?
@Blind_Bleeder said in Is DD down?:
I wonder where @TigersDen813_XBL is playing from.
Hey all.. I’m on the Gulf coast of Florida.
@lckdb_XBL said in Error message on Xbox:
Seems like maybe west coast server is down. It says I’m not logged in.
I’m in Florida, so not sure. It’s about 20% re-installed, I’ll keep you posted
@Pennstatefencer_MLBTS said in Error message on Xbox:
@Blind_Bleeder said in Error message on Xbox:
No. I am on an XBox X also and just finished a Conquest game when I saw your message. I exited the game and went back into DD without any problem. I am on the west coast if that matters.
Hmmm, so just me I guess. I'll have to trouble shoot a bit more later. I could try to delete and reinstall the game, but there may be a quicker / easier fix.
Nope not just you I’m getting the same thing. I’m on Xbox X as well. 22 doing the same thing. Currently re-installing 23
I’m on Xbox X. Neither 22 or 23 will connect to Dd. Just says “something went wrong” no ther errors. Trying to troubleshoot.
Thanks -
@DoIHearBossMusic_MLBTS said in We are going Backwards!!!:
Very much, SDS is def. drunk this year. And maybe I'm in the minority but I do not want to see them all in casual or club wear, such a bad year for content
I’m with you. The “snapshot” series is beyond lame. I want to see Bob Gibson in his Cards uni with a a meanacing look, not staring off into space trying to look like Sydney Portier.
@PAinPA_PSN said in Randy johnson Boost from Pedro captain?:
@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in Randy johnson Boost from Pedro captain?:
@PAinPA_PSN said in Randy johnson Boost from Pedro captain?:
@TigersDen813_XBL said in Randy johnson Boost from Pedro captain?:
Any one know why Randy doesn’t get a boost? He pitched the entire decade of the 90s and was a 6 time all star in that span. Pedro pitch 2 less years (broke in ‘92). Other true 99 cards get the boost icon(Smoltz, Maddux, heck even Kerry Wood) seems like a rather obvious ommision.
The card is from 2001,that's why the boost don't work
This is the kind of nuance that flies right over my head. How does one determine the year of the card and then once you establish the date, what’s the relevance? Do they need to have been an all-star the same year of the card? Or teammates during that particular year? I truly don’t know
Got it from his age.happened with the Musial and Mays captain back in set 1,
So then I’m curious if 99 Aaron gets boosted by Mays 50’s and 60’s card. I agree with post above, very confusing
Jackie Robinson captain .. chipper Boost?
Ohtani Live card is trash
Will July 19 hurt The Show?
Question about HOF pitching
Question about HOF pitching
All star program conquest
Switch pitcher
Here is the Upcoming Content Via The Blog (there is a lot)
Double XP weekend?
Rickwood Cards Jersey
Exchange Season 1 Cornerstone Captains
Logo upload is failing
Can’t upload created stadium
Can’t upload created stadium
Is DD down?
Error message on Xbox
Error message on Xbox
Is DD down?
We are going Backwards!!!
Randy johnson Boost from Pedro captain?