@Imbeater_MLBTS said in People take to long to pitch:
Played a guy like this the other day. Like it’s not really baseball dude. Just throw the ball.
Tell that to Verlander, Greinke and Scherzer....they used to take 20+ seconds between pitches, as did many others. I. don't like it either in the video game, but don't act like it hasn't always been done in the MLB. Some take as much time as they can with the current clock system too, it is just some pitchers style preference. I don't think it's to mess with hitters, it's just the rhythm they prefer to be effective. (although on the show its just annoying as hell, in real life I never really cared how long the pitcher took when I was hitting. Id just call time to [censored] them off if it was absorbent)