For the Past Few Years it seems the devs and community have been focusing on 1 thing. Improving what already Exists. This will not work for this mode.
If we want to make RTTS the best game mode we need to start from the ground up throw everything away currently and start fresh. They Key is advertising points for this mode in terms of improvement have been very very low things that nobody wants, such as road to the show 20 and how relationships mattered on the field (nobody cares about that lets be real here) nor does anybody care about load outs or perks or any of that [censored]. The community wants one thing and that’s immersion.
We want the most realistic possible way as a mlb major leaguer that is possible. We want something we don’t get tired of or old and something that’s always new that keep us entertained.
I know this is not easy for SDS studio to do but you want realistic feedback? Here you go. This is the most honest thing I can think of.